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Black Underbelly of Windows 8.1 'Blue' Exposed
Snowden: NSA and Israel Co-Wrote Stuxnet Virus
HTTP 2.0 Will Be a Binary Protocol
Sent to Jail Because of a Software Bug
What PRISM Knows About You Revealed by MIT Project
Hot Comment: "If you remove guns, then you would have a sword problem. If you remove..."
From the Vault: Scientists Worry Machines May Outsmart Man
Watch It: Robots That Are About Form, Not Function
Poll Booth: WRT virtualization...

Black Underbelly of Windows 8.1 'Blue' Exposed
Changes in Microsoft's forthcoming upgrade to Windows 8 reveal the dark underbelly of Microsoft's evolving agenda, one that finds pieces of Windows 8 inexplicably disappearing and a new feature that allows Microsoft to track your local searches cropping up, InfoWorld reports.
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Snowden: NSA and Israel Co-Wrote Stuxnet Virus
In an interview with Der Spiegel, U.S. surveillance whistleblower Edward Snowden claims that the NSA collaborated with Israel to write the Stuxnet virus, which successfully infiltrated Iranian nuclear facilities. He also spoke about how the "Five Eye Partners" sometimes go beyond the NSA.
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HTTP 2.0 Will Be a Binary Protocol
A working copy of the HTTP 2.0 spec has been released. But, unlike previous versions of the HTTP protocol, this version will be a binary format, for better or worse. However, this protocol is also completely optional because it "does not obsolete the HTTP/1.1 message format or protocol."
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Sent to Jail Because of a Software Bug
More than 100 sub-post office workers in the UK say they were wrongly prosecuted or made to repay money after a bug in accounting software reported non-existent shortfalls, according to a BBC report. Some of them lost their homes and some went to prison as a result.
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What PRISM Knows About You Revealed by MIT Project
MIT's Immersion project sifts your Gmail, and constructs a map of your associations and without opening a single message, it gives a clear view of who you connect with. It's a glimpse of some of what the NSA PRISM can do.
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Re: 1 2 3 4 I declare flame war
"If you remove guns, then you would have a sword problem.
If you remove swords, then you'd have spear problem.
If you remove spears, then you'd have a rock problem.
Get rid of rocks and it would simply be the biggest guy wins.
The 'gun problem' is merely another face of a violence problem." --by sycodon
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Scientists Worry Machines May Outsmart Man
Four years ago, The NY Times wrote about a conference where a group of computer scientists, impressed and alarmed by advances in artificial intelligence, debated "whether there should be limits on research that might lead to loss of human control over computer-based systems that carry a growing share of society's workload, from waging war to chatting with customers on the phone."
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Robots That Are About Form, Not Function
SlashTV: Meet Sarah Thee Campagna, who assembles robots, ray guns, and spaceships from found parts that others might think are just ordinary industrial detritus. Her creations will not fight battles or clean your house, but they look so cool, they get shown in fine art galleries.
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WRT virtualization:- I don't have / use any virtual machines
- I experiment with VMs, but only dipping my toes
- I use VMs, but only for a few specialized tasks
- I use VMs interchangeably with physical machines
- I am a gung-ho VM user, the PC is just a host
- I have no physical machines
- If by "virtualization" you mean living in the Matrix ...
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