Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Home By Laura Foster-Bobroff, Networx Chances are you need a plumber in your life on a regular basis. Plumbers not only take care of common household repai... |  | from Nature Wondering how to compost your table scraps? Don’t have a big back yard? Green living expert Terri Bennett shows you an option that requires very... |  | from Spirit In many traditional Feng Shui books you will read that bathrooms are negative places where they recommend shutting the door and pretending they are no... |  | from Home Organic baby spinach, potentially contaminated with Salmonella, is being recalled after a random test conducted by the USDA. ... |  | from News & Issues 1. "No" means No. Not "maybe." Not "I'm just playing hard to get." Not "later." Not anything but NO. This isn't rocket science so I'm not sure why so ... |  | from Nature By Mark Tercek, The Nature Conservancy This month marked the anniversary of one of the worst man-made disasters ever to hit the United States. On May ... |  | from Health An Australian study has found that children who are exposed to passive smoking can suffer irreversible heart and lung damage. Health Videos by NewsLoo... |  | from Nature Usually folks are upbeat and busy in May, the month when shrimpers get back to work in Louisiana’s rich waters. But this spring, catches are dow... |  | from Food Hosting seniors at a backyard barbecue can be a bit nerve-wracking. What can you serve that will appeal to elderly guests and meet their... |  | from Green By Dana Shultz for | photo from Truck Farm Chicago If kids won’t come to the farm, then the farm will come to them. And these ... |  | from Food Manna may have been the only fast food on the way to the 10 Commandments, but today there are 245 big US chain restaurants and tens of thousands of fa... |  | from Health “All I really want is to be able to get swimsuit-ready down there without having a knock-down, drag-out fight with my belly and breasts. Is that... |  | from Health By Lisa Nicholson, contributor to Healing Recipes on We eat every day, usually as many as 3-5 times a day. From work to exercise,... |  | from Pets As much as we love our dogs, many have been known to pull off some majorly naughty things. But — hey — at least they usually feel g... |  | from Pets Feline Internet sensation Maru turns four years old today — watch this video to join in the celebration! Related: Maru & Paper Bag (V... |  | from Pets Watch out, Nestle Purina! A very angry mob of pet owners is headed to your door — and don’t be surprised if they come with torches and pit... |  | from Do Good This is a spaghetti jar full of cigarette butts that I collected this morning from the sidewalks, parking spots, and driveways of my little neighborho... |  | from Life Dutch beachcombers are a dying breed. In the past, objects would regularly wash ashore on the beaches of the long Dutch coast and the Wadden islands i... |  | from Spirit I have never been one of the cool kids, mostly because I was never willing to adapt to the ever-evolving shapeshifter that is "coolness" at the expens... | | may 25, 2012 |
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