Most Underappreciated Sci-Fi Writer?
mvdwege notes that in the earlier thread about the most depressing sci-fi, no one mentioned dystopian writer John Brunner and decided to ask fellow Slashdotters, "What Sci-fi writers do you know that are, in your opinion, vastly underappreciated?"
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Is Sexual Harassment Part of Hacker Culture?
A Linux kernel file systems expert shares her and other female DEFCON attendees' horror stories about being groped, licked and ogled at the hacker conference and takes DEFCON to task for poor sexual harassment policing.
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How Many of You Actually Use Math?
An anonymous reader, who is a high school student interested in a career in a computer science or game development asked Slashdotters: "Will I actually use calculus and above, or is it just a popular idea that you need to be a mathematician in order to program? What are your experiences?"
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What's the Best Place To Relocate?
Noting that European markets are not looking good and the U.S. is in debt, tsakas, who is an IT researcher from southern Europe looking for a good place to relocate, asked Slashdotters: Which city would you choose to go and start a family if you were to stay there for a) 5, b) 10 and c) 20 years?"
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Why Apple Is Suing Every Android Manufacturer In Sight
Apple has faced criticism for its endless lawsuits designed to stunt competition from Android, including its epic patent struggle with Samsung and actions against HTC and Motorola. But does the iPhone maker need to be worried about a little competition? A quick look at Android device shipments in the second quarter of 2012 effectively answers that question.
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Re: Pro Move, Romney
"Criticizing Mitt Romney makes one automatically an Obama fan? I guess that's what happens when your mind is distorted by a de-facto two party system, though thankfully not every American has succumbed to this." --by icebraining
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Pirate Banned From Using Linux
Five years ago, we posted an item about a guy who got jail time and home confinement for uploading "Star Wars: Episode III." As part of his home confinement, he agreed to install tracking software on his PC. But he's an Ubuntu Linux user and the government didn't have any tracking software for Linux. So, he was told that he had to use Windows for the term of his confinement.
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Chatting With Rob 'CmdrTaco' Malda: Part 3
Slashdot's 15th anniversary is coming up in October, so we decided it would be a good time to catch up with founder Rob "CmdrTaco" Malda. In this final part of our three-part conversation with Rob, he talks a bit about what he's working on at The Washington Post, and leaves us waiting with bated breath for more information about projects he's not allowed to tell us about. Yet.
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