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Why Is Windows So Awful with Battery Life?
First Experimental Evidence That Time Is an Emergent Quantum Phenomenon
OS X 10.9 Mavericks Review
Call Yourself a Hacker, Lose Your 4th Amendment Rights
Experian Sold Social Security Numbers to ID Theft Service
Hot Comment: "I've got a degree. It didn't teach me a damned thing about IT, but..."
From the Vault: Judge Rules 4-Year-Old Can Be Sued
Watch It: Why Facebook Does Not Like Social Fixer Extension
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Why Is Windows So Awful with Battery Life?
Jeff Atwood at Coding Horror is trying to figure out why the battery life for devices running Windows is so much worse than similar (or identical) devices running other operating systems. For example, although the Surface Pro 2 made great strides over the original Surface Pro, it still lags far behind Android and iOS tablets.
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First Experimental Evidence That Time Is an Emergent Quantum Phenomenon
Quantum physicists have performed an experiment that shows how time is an emergent phenomenon based on entanglement, in which case the contradiction between quantum mechanics and general relativity seems to melt away.
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OS X 10.9 Mavericks Review
John Siracusa at Ars Technica has put together a comprehensive review of Apple's OS X 10.9 Mavericks. This is the first time a major OS X update has been free, and it works on any device that supports Mountain Lion. This suggests Apple is trying to boost adoption rates as high as possible.
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Call Yourself a Hacker, Lose Your 4th Amendment Rights
As described on the DigitalBond blog, a security researcher was subjected to a court ordered search in which a lack of pre-notification was premised on his self-description as a "hacker."
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Experian Sold Social Security Numbers to ID Theft Service
Experian -- one of the three national U.S. credit bureaus -- reportedly sold social security numbers through its subsidiary to the operators of a website that offered all of the information online for a price. The website marketed the ability to look up full Social Security numbers, birthdays, drivers license records and financial information on millions of Americans.
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Re: I'm a non-degree slacker
"I've got a degree. It didn't teach me a damned thing about IT, but I've got the degree. The degree helps get your resume through the HR drones, though, but not much else." --by morgan_greywolf
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Judge Rules 4-Year-Old Can Be Sued
Three years ago, a New York Supreme Court justice ruled that a girl could be sued over accusations the then 4-year-old ran over an 87-year-old woman while racing a bicycle with training wheels on a Manhattan sidewalk. The accident resulted in the elderly woman suffering a hip fracture that required surgery.
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Why Facebook Does Not Like Social Fixer Extension
SlashTV: Social Fixer is a plug-in that lets people view their feeds on Facebook more efficiently. And although it makes no changes to Facebook's servers and is not dependent on Facebook's APIs, the social media company demanded that creator Matt Kruze remove certain features if he doesn't want to be banned from the site. The company already removed his Social Fixer page from Facebook. Kruze talks to Timothy Lord about the ordeal.
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I've done my current job in X time zones ...
- Where X is 1
- Where X is 2-3
- Where X is 3-6
- Where X is 7-12
- Where X is >12
- All of them
- Do you count unemployment?
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