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Do LG TVs Spy on Your Viewing Habits?
Drivers Asked for Saliva, Blood at Roadblock
Bitcoin-Powered 'Assasination Market' Crowdfunds Murder
Winamp Being Killed After 15 Years
Boston Cops Outraged Over Being Tracked by GPS
Hot Comment: "Liberty is the only thing in danger here... From those who kill it in the...:
From the Vault: Should We Clone a Neanderthal?
Watch It: Alfred Poor Talks 3-D and Ultra-High-Def TV
Poll Booth: On the subject of robots ...

Do LG TVs Spy on Your Viewing Habits?
Blogger DoctorBeet discovered that his new LG television was surreptitiously sending information about his TV viewing habits, as well as the names of the files he watched on removable media, to LG's servers.
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Drivers Asked for Saliva, Blood at Roadblock
Some drivers in Fort Worth, Texas have reported that they were stopped at a police roadblock and asked for samples of their breath, saliva and blood. It was part of a government research study aimed at determining the number of drunken or drug-impaired drivers.
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Bitcoin-Powered 'Assasination Market' Crowdfunds Murder
As Silk Road emerged from the "dark web," other sites have appeared offering services that are frowned upon by most. And as Forbes reports, perhaps the most-disturbing is "The Assassination Market," which is a crowdfunding service that lets anyone anonymously contribute bitcoins towards a bounty on the head of any government official.
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Boston Cops Outraged Over Being Tracked by GPS
The Boston Globe reports that the pending use of GPS tracking devices, slated to be installed in Boston police cruisers, has many officers worried that commanders will monitor their every move. But administrators say the system will improve response time.
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Winamp Being Killed After 15 Years
According to a new banner on the download page, AOL will be pulling the plug on the iconic llama-whipping music player in a month: " and associated web services will no longer be available past December 20, 2013. Additionally, Winamp Media players will no longer be available for download."
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"Liberty is the only thing in danger here.
From those who kill it in the name of defending it." --by landofcleve
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Should We Clone a Neanderthal?
Five years ago, SpaceAdmiral wrote, "Forget cloning a woolly mammoth -- should scientists clone a Neanderthal? Such a feat should be possible soon, although it raises a number of bioethics concerns, including where to draw the line between humans and other animals."
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Alfred Poor on 3-D and Ultra-High-Def TV
Long-time display technology expert Dr. Alfred Poor discusses whether 3-D and ultra-high-def TV and whether they're worth buying. Do, if you're thinking about buying a new TV for yourself or as a gift this holiday season, you might want to listen to what Dr. Poor has to say on the subject before you do.
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On the subject of robots ...
- I neither have nor want any of my own
- I have none, but would like one or more
- I have one (commercial)
- I have more than one (all commercial)
- I not only have a robot, but I built it myself!
- No one can prove that any of them are mine
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