Rabu, 04 Juni 2014

Nintendo: Stop Funding Slavery in the Congo!

Was your game console made with slave labour?

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Producing our household electronics without using modern slavery is possible. Intel recently announced all its new microprocessors will be free of conflict minerals. It's time for Nintendo to follow suit!
Please sign the petition today! Enough Games, Nintendo: Take Action Against Slavery
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Dear Annisa,

Conflict minerals that companies like Nintendo use in the production of consumer electronics are mined in brutal conditions of forced labour, debt bondage, and even child slavery in the Congo. Slave-mined minerals generate hundreds of millions of dollars and fuel the world's deadliest ongoing conflict. The only way we'll see an end to slavery in the Congo is if powerful companies demand an end to the violence.

Call on Nintendo to ensure its products are slavery-free.

While Intel and other companies are ensuring they're no longer part of the violent cycle of conflict in the Congo, Nintendo lags behind. Nintendo is the world's largest manufacturer of video game consoles, so action on this issue would make a big difference in the fight against slavery!

It's time for Nintendo to stop playing games and step up its efforts to end modern slavery. Ask Nintendo to take a stand against slavery in the Congo.


Thank you for taking action,

Kayla C. c
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

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