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New Online Tracking That's Virtually Impossible to Block
China Plans 'Higgs Factory,' World's Biggest Particle Collider
Don't Kill Net Neutrality on Our Behalf, Say Deaf Advocacy Groups
Google Offers $1M Prize for a Better Power Inverter
Netflix Reduces DVD Processing Without Lower Prices
Hot Comment: "Put your tin foil away. People at institutions like Carnegie..."
From the Vault: Stephen Hawking Warns: Abandon Earth Or Die
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New Online Tracking That's Virtually Impossible to Block
A new research paper discusses a form of online user fingerprinting and tracking for the web using the HTML 5 <canvas>. Fingerprints are difficult to block because they can't be prevented by using standard web browser privacy settings or using anti-tracking tools. The researchers found canvas fingerprinting computer code on 5 percent of the top 100,000 websites.
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China Plans 'Higgs Factory,' World's Biggest Particle Collider
Working with international collaborators, scientists at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Beijing are planning to build a "Higgs factory" by 2028 -- a 52-kilometer underground ring that would smash together electrons and positrons, according to Nature. It would dwarf CERN's 27-kilometer Large Hadron Collider.
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Don't Kill Net Neutrality on Our Behalf, Say Deaf Advocacy Groups
Verizon lobbied fiercely against network neutrality and even invoked services for the deaf, blind, and disabled to argue their case. But now advocacy groups for deaf people have filed comments with the FCC saying they don't agree with Verizon's position, according to an Ars Technica report.
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Google Offers $1M Prize for a Better Power Inverter
With the Little Box Challenge, Google (and IEEE, and a few other sponsors) is offering a $1 million prize to the team that can "design and build a kW-scale power inverter with the highest power density (at least 50 Watts per cubic inch)." Going from cooler-sized to tablet sized, they say, would make whole lot of things better, and the prize is reserved for the best performing entrant.
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Netflix Reduces DVD Processing Without Lower Prices
Nom du Keyboard, who reports getting confirmation that Netflix has ceased processing DVD returns on Saturdays nationwide after noticing a drop in DVD service, wrote, "Now with them only working 5 days and many U.S. Post Office holidays, they're still getting the same money for significantly less."
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"Put your tin foil away. People at institutions like Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute typically work on grants and funding that come with conditions, such as the funder owns the material or can dictate its dissemination. It sounds like the researchers discovered something they thought interesting, looked around and decided BlackHat would be a good place to present, then the lawyers pointed out that they hadn't yet received the required permissions per the funding agreement/grant so they have backed off for now. An NSL is a directive to disclose info that may include the requirement not to reveal the disclosure occurred. An NSL is not a way to simply order someone to be quiet." --by dunkindave
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Stephen Hawking Warns: Abandon Earth Or Die
Four years ago, famed theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking told Big Think, "It will be difficult enough to avoid disaster on planet Earth in the next hundred years, let alone the next thousand, or million. The human race shouldn't have all its eggs in one basket, or on one planet. Let's hope we can avoid dropping the basket until we have spread the load."
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Meet the LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
Timothy Lord caught up with LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald Robinson Tryon at Texas Linux Fest to discuss what's going on these days with LibreOffice and its parent organization, The Document Foundation.
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Today's datacenters face a gauntlet of challenges including protection of physical and virtual environments, fast recovery of data, reducing backup times and storage requirements, server consolidation, and disaster recovery. Find out how to conquer these types of challenges in this white paper.
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