Spain is following the lead of many other European nations and passing sweeping legislation which promotes animal welfare across the country. This is amazing news for millions of pets, but the current version of the legislation excludes hunting dogs, who are tragically tortured and killed in droves each year. The Spanish government must make sure this new law includes all animals, not just pets!
Sign now to demand the Spanish Government include hunting dogs in the newly proposed Animal Welfare Law!
Many dogs spend most of their life in frozen kennels, forced to live in their own excrement or drink dangerous, dirty water. And at the end of the season, the dogs that don't perform end up abandoned or brutally killed. In fact, investigators found that a shocking 50,000 to 80,000 dogs were abandoned or hanged when their owners decided they were no longer useful. There is no reason a supposedly progressive animal welfare law would exclude hunting dogs. We must tell the Spanish government to amend the proposed law to include hunting dogs! Sign the petition now if you agree!
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