Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Life By Jordan Laio, Networx The Jewish festival of Chanuka will take place this year the evenings of December 20th through the afternoon of the 28th. It i... |  | from Home Hey, it’s almost the new year, so why not make a resolution to try some simple ways to green your home—and your life? Here are five ideas to get... |  | from Home By Pamela Weintraub, Experience Life Life without cell phones and other wireless conduits has become nearly unthinkable, but a growing chorus of exper... |  | from Life More people are likely to die in alcohol-related traffic crashes during the holidays than any other time of year. Statistics from the National Institu... |  | from Spirit I have just completed my fourth retreat on a “Recharge Your Life” project which is my self-appointed immersion into the world of healing, ... |  | from Health Spiked egg nog, mulled wine, and New Years champagne are nearly as ingrained in our holiday psyches as Christmas trees, menorahs, and Santa Claus. But... |  | from Food From special celebrations to weekend treats, the art of baking a cake from scratch is a worthy endeavor. If you’re looking for a vegan fruitcake... |  | from Family By Marlo Sollitto, contributing editor It isn’t just time, but money that most caregivers donate to help maintain the ones they lo... |  | from Pets Calling all pets in seasonal poses, holiday costumes, and festive photos! We will be featuring photos of your cute pets again this holiday season — 12... |  | from Green By Jeff Opperman, The Nature Conservancy While visiting friends in Toronto, I spotted a small poster tacked behind their toaster that read: “Bac... |  | from Spirit According to Vedanta, there are seven states of consciousness. In India, one of the greatest seers of the twentieth century, Sri Aurobindo, said that ... |  | from Pets By Dr. Justine Lee, PetMD Do I really need to answer this question? (And yes, I realize this blog will piss off people who own more than 6 cats!) Unfo... |  | from Pets The Animal League Defense Fund has published a report detailing which states they consider to be the worst and best for animals. In their top five wor... |  | from Pets When their pet parent makes some strange noises, these adorable corgi puppies look awfully confused! All three puppies’ heads move back a... | | december 16, 2011 |
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