Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Home The warm weather has us thinking about outdoor entertaining at Remodelista. Inspired by San Francisco’s white-hot Suppenkuche Biergarten, we cre... |  | from News & Issues Here's a good reason not to engage in road rage: In an eight-year American study of 670 men aged 45 to 86, researchers found that longstanding anger ... |  | from Spirit by Sylvia Poareo, MSW, Co-Editor Of Family & Parenting on Editor’s Note from Sylvia Poareo: In this article, I share so... |  | from Spirit The earth was heavy with moisture and thick with trailing grass roots. Still, with each shovel full of dirt, my resolve to finish what I had started g... |  | from Pets Why should cats have all the fun? Sure, the Internet may be synonymous with cats, but, really, there are plenty of adorable, hilarious and all ... |  | from Pets Instagram user @shanasarett spotted this dynamic duo on San Francisco’s Muni train. We’re very impressed by how the man’s vest spike... |  | from Food It has been said that there is a 12:1 ratio of rats to people in New York City. Granted, this is just an estimate, but it cannot be far off, consideri... |  | from Pets Watch as this bouncy lamb chases her human around the house. Both the lamb and the girl have some difficulty with the slippery wood floor, but it̵... |  | from Pets In this cute video, Kit-Kat and Meowgi are meeting for the first time! Related: Cat Gives Hugs (Video) Cats Play Game (Video) Cat Spotter (Funn... |  | from Pets Were you shocked by the now-infamous story of how Mitt Romney drove for 12 hours with his dog Seamus crated atop his car roof, back in 1983? Well, whi... |  | from Health Split ends are the result of your hair’s natural weathering. But the process is sped up when you consistently blowdry, straighten, color or perm... |  | from Beauty By Vanessa, DivineCaroline I love chocolate just as much as any girl, but I never, not even once, considered using it as a facial treatment. Oh yes la... |  | from Nature It is unusual for a newly installed bee hive to swarm, and even more unusual for a new beekeeper to witness it happening. In fact, in the couple of we... |  | from Food Ah, lemonade — what’s more delightful than this summertime treat? Nothing beats the freshness of homemade, and getting to determine... |  | from Health An estimated 10-20% of the general population suffers from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which accounts for about 4 million doctors' visits a year. ... |  | from Spirit I recently met with a group of doctors who gather at Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen's house monthly to discuss a variety of topics and seek meaning in medicin... |  | from Life Earlier today, I read an article in Elephant Journal about the hypocrisy of those who attend music festivals and fancy themselves hippies while simult... |  | from Food I found this simple yet ingenious recipe in an old Gourmet magazine (August 2005) and was drawn to the Leaning Tower of Pisa aspect of these stacks. I... |  | from Spirit The key to being, doing, and experiencing everything you ever wanted is to be your Self. To be who you really are. Because whether you are aware of it... |  | from Spirit Know that in the innermost recesses of your heart, are the Goddesses of Knowledge and Wealth. Love them and nurture them, and every desire that you ha... | | july 28, 2012 |
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