Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Health Research continues on the vast health benefits of resveratrol, found in purple or red grapes. Here are some of the amazing healing benefits of resvera... |  | from Nature By Bob Bendick / The Nature Conservancy This July, as we celebrate the anniversary of the founding of our nation, much of the talk here in Washington ... |  | from Nature Residents in China’s southern Liuzhou city are being offered high rewards to catch the red-belly piranhas that attacked local swimmers in the ri... |  | from Family A study shows that babies who grow up with dogs in their homes have significantly less chance of getting infections or needing antibiotics. It’s... |  | from Nature Who doesn’t love a day at the beach? Click through to discover just a handful of the planet’s most impressive beaches, and tell us ... |  | from Spirit In this video, I talk about the energetic power of words. Learn how to use words to amplify your life. Related: Happiness is a Choice I Make Wh... |  | from Family Age is nothing but a number for the Harlem Honeys and Bears. The New York-based synchronized swim team, started in 1979, consists of more than three d... |  | from Life As someone who occasionally suffers from insomnia, my interest was piqued by this article in Elephant Journal. The article explains a study that sugge... |  | from Health If you detect these signs, it would be wise to seek a medical evaluation. ... |  | from Health Whole foods are a vital part of a healthy diet, due to the valuable nutrients they contain, but then there are those foods that are considered a notch... |  | from Health Anne-Marie Botek, Editor When it comes to anger, people have got a bunch of different flavors: mad, frustrated, ticked-off, peeved, anno... |  | from Food I’m pretty much solely a water drinker. I love its taste, the obvious benefits, and the feeling of constant hydration. I’ll admit it can g... |  | from Love I love everything about seduction. It’s about getting every ounce of juice out of every experience. And if you rush things, you can miss the bes... |  | from Food Eating a rainbow of colors isn’t so easy in the winter, but here is a soup that is as sweet and pungent, as it is colorful. More accurately, t... |  | from Pets Editor’s Note: The name on the lips of outraged dog lovers everywhere this week is Lennox — the dog who was killed by the Belfast City Cou... |  | from Pets If this isn’t the perfect example of true bliss, I don’t know what is! Related: Amazing Jumping Dog (Video) Play v. Bath (Video) Fu... |  | from Pets This Shar Pei just never stops chewing, does he?! Related: Dog & Bird Share Pasta Bird Wakes Cat Puppy v. Ice Cube ... |  | from Home By Leah Batkin, Networx Whether looking to buy or rent, the housing search has only become more complicated in the current market. Prospective homebuy... |  | from Home Solar energy has been around for a years but in the past few years it has finally started to take off in residential markets. Previously it was consi... | | july 13, 2012 |
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