Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Stop Unintentional Porpoise Slaughter

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Thousands of harbor porpoises die every year in the gillnet fishing industry's nets in Norway. It's time for the government to do something.
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Dear Annisa,

When dolphins were being caught in nets by the tuna fishing industry, people were up in arms and, today, every can you buy notes that the fish were caught using technology that doesn't hurt dolphins.

Well, the same thing is happening to dolphins' cousins -- porpoises -- in Norway. Let's demand the same kind of reforms that saved dolphins.

Norway's gillnet fishing industry has all sorts of problems. But one of the biggest is the enormous amount of bycatch, including seven thousand harbor porpoises every year.

These dead porpoises literally serve no purpose. They aren't sold for profit or eaten for sustenance. They simply die because the industry hasn't felt enough pressure adopt sustainable fishing techniques that would keep porpoises out of nets intended for another species.

It's time to get serious and stop this unintentional porpoise slaughter. Tell the Norwegian government to act now with regulations that stop the unnecessary killing of porpoises.


Thank you for taking action,

Emily V.
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

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