Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Stop Force-Feeding "Divine Pigs"

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Before sacrificing pigs to deities, worshippers in Taiwan force-feed the animals to make them as large as possible. Officials shouldn't allow this cruel treatment.
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Dear Annisa,

It's traditional in Taiwan to offer up pigs in sacrifice for deities and immortals. But this spiritual practice has taken a horrifying turn at some temples, including the Chingshui Zushi Temple in New Taipei City, where worshippers compete in contests to bring the largest pig for sacrifice.

The contestants in these "divine pig" contests suffer immensely before they're brought in for judging. People force feed the animals to make them especially large and thus desirable to the temple.

Some temple visitors have come up with more humane sacrifices that still honor tradition without forcing animals to suffer and die. One made a big out of bags of rice and, after the ritual, gave the food to the poor.

It's not the government's place to tell people how to worship. But certainly no one will insult a deity by ensuring that the animals he or she offers up have lived humanely. The government must step in to ensure these divine pigs are safe.

Tell Taiwanese officials to ban the force-feeding of pigs for sacrifice.


Thank you for taking action,

Emily V.
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

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Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Celebrate Women's History Month and Polar Bear Day with Care2 eCards!

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International Polar Bear Day - Feb 27

Polar Bear Dance

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Second Born


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Make 2013 the Beginning of the End of Hunger
The world produces enough for everyone. Yet 1 in 8 people, like Ralia, go to bed hungry every night, and 2 million children die from malnutrition every year. It doesn't have to be this way. This year we have a rare opportunity to make our voices heard and make politicians act.

Hello Annisa,
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from Care2
- Adult Polar Bear males can weigh over 1400 pounds and grow to be 10 feet tall.
- Polar Bears do not hibernate. The may stay in the den for shorter periods to wait out bad weather.
- The only species preying on Polar Bears are humans.
- Polar Bear fur is hollow to trap the suns heat, helping the bear to keep warm.
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Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Google: Stop Going Through my Private Emails

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Google earns money by going through every word of your private emails in Gmail and targeting you with ads.
Please sign the petition today! Google: Stop Violating Our Privacy!
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Dear Annisa,

Most email providers filter through emails to remove SPAM and malware. But Google has gone too far by reading all emails in Gmail in order to target you for ads. Don't we have any right to privacy online?

I don't like the idea of Google searching through my private emails about my health, my finances, and my personal relationships in order to show me ads about mortgages or pain killers. I understand that Google has to make money with ads, but this is a clear invasion of privacy.

Not only that, but people who are not Gmail users STILL have their emails read when they email someone who is using Gmail. Those people have not even agreed to Google's terms of service!

We must stand up for our privacy online. Please sign this petition today asking Google to stop going through your private emails in order to sell ads!


Thank you for taking action,

Emily L.
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

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U.S. Redrawn as 50 Equally Populated States; Plastic Bag Bans Making People Sick?

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Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

Sweden: Don't Kill Susi the Wolf

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Sweden's wolves have been hunted nearly to extinction, but that hasn't stopped the Swedish EPA from authorizing wolf culls even today. Now, conservationists are asking the government to spare the life of one wolf in particular.
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Dear Annisa,

There are only about 270 wolves living in the forests of Sweden. But thanks to pressure from Sweden's sheep ranchers and reindeer herders, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has authorized several "wolf culls," supposedly in an effort to improve population diversity.

This winter, they allowed hunters to kill up to 16 wolves, including a pair that had reportedly migrated to the country from Russia. For one of the pair, it was too late -- he was shot from a helicopter in January. But his packmate, a female wolf that activists have nicknamed "Susi," was able to somehow escape the cull. Now, conservationists are asking the government to spare her life.

Susi isn't just an ordinary wolf, either. The majority of Sweden's wolf population is descended from the same few wolves, meaning that the packs have a serious problem with inbreeding. But Susi is reportedly a Russian wolf with different genes -- meaning it's vitally important that she be allowed to mate with local wolves.

On February 19th, Susi was granted a temporary reprieve. But second requests to shoot her have already been filed with the EPA, and it's only a matter of time before she's in danger again. Care2 member Mats C. started a petition with us asking the government not to kill her. Will you join us?


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Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

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