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Is the Mighty Ubuntu in Decline?
7 Milliseconds Stolen from the Federal Reserve
Cop Issues 800 Tickets to Drivers Texting at Red Lights
Valve's Linux-Based SteamOS Targets Your Living Room
Why Did Microsoft Burn More Money on a Tablet Nobody Seems to Want?
Hot Comment: "Greed? You call it greed? How can you? I am very happy that Apple has these..."
From the Vault: Could Anti-Texting Laws Make Roads More Dangerous?
Watch It: Free-to-Play Massively Multiplayer FPS Firefall Preview
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Is the Mighty Ubuntu in Decline?
Linux pundit Bruce Byfield writes that he is "increasingly convinced that this last year will be noted as the start of the decline of Ubuntu." After great initial success, Ubuntu and Canonical isolated themselves from the free software community, and Canonical, he says, has floundered in many of its initiatives.
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7 Milliseconds Stolen from the Federal Reserve
Three to seven milliseconds before the fed moved interest rates, billions of dollars of trades were input that took advantage of the changed rates, reaping huge profits. How did this happen? Nobody knows for sure yet.
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Cop Issues 800 Tickets to Drivers Texting at Red Lights
Gwinnett County police officer Jessie Myers has issued more tickets for texting and driving than any other officer in Georgia because he busts drivers in the act while they are waiting at red lights. He said he expects to reach 1,000 tickets by year's end.
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Valve's Linux-Based SteamOS Targets Your Living Room
Valve Software took the wraps off of SteamOS, a Linux-based gaming operating system designed for, as the company puts it, "living room machines." One major feature Valve is touting is the ability to use the SteamOS machine to stream video games from other Windows and Mac computers in the house to your TV.
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Why Did Microsoft Burn More Money on a Tablet Nobody Seems to Want?
Never mind that sales of the original Surface were pitiful, or that the tablet failed to make Microsoft a player in the mobile-device wars: Microsoft's now rolling out Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2, which feature upgraded specs and accessories but no radical adjustments to the first generation. Why did Microsoft bother?
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Re: In other news
"Greed? You call it greed? How can you? I am very happy that Apple has these approved conductors. Using an unapproved conductor might result in some random positively charged electron flowing through my device. What kind of havoc might result from THAT? Oh, Please, Apple - put those chips into your conductive cables! Filter out those positive electrons!! Yea, though I walk through the valley of positiveness, Apple will protect me with negativeness!! Alright, so the inanity and the sarcasm are over done - I apologize." --by Runaway1956
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Could Anti-Texting Laws Make Roads More Dangerous?
Three years ago, a study found that various state laws that ban texting while driving might actually make the roads more dangerous. If that seems counterintuitive, it's the laws of unintended consequences at work.
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Free-to-Play Massively Multiplayer FPS Firefall Preview
SlashTV: Ever since the MMORPG craze got underway, players and developers have been looking for ways to meld it with the FPS craze that's been going on since the days of Doom. But the creators of Firefall emphatically say their game is "a shooter first and foremost" and that it has MMORPG elements. Soulskill brings you an extended look at Firefall, which is currently in fully playable open beta.
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- Precious metals
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- Electrons and math
- Why not just use evil itself?
- Some other option entirely
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