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'Breaking Bad' Fan Sues Apple Over iTunes Pricing
Linus Torvalds Unleashes Fury at RdRand Petition
Will the iPhone 5S Popularize Fingerprint Readers?
A Tale of Two MySQL Bugs
The Fifth Amendment Paradox
Hot Comment: "When the NRA and ACLU both oppose something, you know it's..."
From the Vault: Test Driving the Army's Pain Ray Gun
Watch It: Is It Time to Replace Your HDTV?
Poll Booth: I use spinning-drive storage media ...

'Breaking Bad' Fan Sues Apple Over iTunes Pricing
A disgruntled 'Breaking Bad' fan has filed a class action lawsuit against Apple for false advertising when he found out that the $22.99 he forked over for a "Season Pass" of the drug-trade drama was only good for the first 8 episodes of the show's final season.
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Linus Torvalds Unleashes Fury at RdRand Petition
In a bid "to improve the overall security of the linux kernel," Kyle Condon raised a petition on to get Linus Torvalds to remove RdRand from /dev/random. Not surprisingly, Torvalds lambasted Condon by calling him ignorant for not understanding the code in the Linux Kernel.
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Will the iPhone 5S Popularize Fingerprint Readers?
While fingerprint-scanning technology isn't new, the technology has so far failed to become ubiquitous in the consumer realm. But will the new iPhone 5S--which is all but guaranteed to sell millions of units--can popularize something that consumers don't seem to want?
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A Tale of Two MySQL Bugs
When Archie Cobbs encountered a relatively obscure performance bug in both MySQL 5.5.x and MariaDB 5.5.x (not surprising since they share the same codebase), he sent a report to Oracle and MariaDB. But as you can probably guess, the responses from each were very different.
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The Fifth Amendment Paradox
The ongoing case of New York Times reporter James Risen, whom the DOJ wants to force to testify against one of his sources for leaking classified CIA information, brings up a question about the Fifth Amendment: Why are criminal defendants allowed to remain silent, but not third-party witnesses like Risen?
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So it has come to this
"When the NRA and ACLU both oppose something, you know it's bad for everyone." --by Anonymous Coward
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Test Driving the Army's Pain Ray Gun
Six years ago, journalist Michael Hanlon got to experience the Army's not-so-secret weapon, dubbed "Silent Guardian". It is essentially a ray gun (even though Hanlon was told not to call it that), emitting a focused beam of radiation similar to your microwave tuned to a specific frequency to stimulate human nerve endings.
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Is It Time to Replace Your HDTV?
Millions of Americans bought their first HDTVs between four and seven years ago, because that's when prices for 40" - 50" sets started dropping below $700. Are new ones so much more wonderful that it's time to get a new HDTV? Not necessarily. Alfred Poor, long-time display technology expert and senior editor for aNewDomain, shares some insight.
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I use spinning-drive storage media ...- For absolutely everything (or just about)
- More than solid-state, but not exclusively
- About the same as I use solid-state storage media
- Less than solid state, but I still use it
- For absolutely nothing (or just about)
- I just use The Cloud; is that "storage media"?
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