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What Microsoft Gets with Nokia Buy
Prankster Calls NSA to Restore Deleted E-mail
Tesla Could Soon Suck Up Worldwide Supply of Lithium-Ion Cells
Is Sending Your Kid to Private School Evil?
Building Melts Car
Hot Comment: "The best way to stop whistleblowers is to stop giving people..."
From the Vault: Why Are Terrorists Often Engineers?
Watch It: Can Closed Public Schools Become Makerspaces?
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What Microsoft Gets with Nokia Buy
Microsoft will acquire substantially all of Nokia's Devices & Services business, license Nokia's patents, and license and use Nokia's mapping services for about $7.2 billion. Also in the deal is former Microsoft exec Stephen Elop, who will rejoin the software giant after the transaction closes.
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Prankster Calls NSA to Restore Deleted E-mail
Since the NSA reportedly intercepts and stores our emails forever, a man decided to try to use it as a backup service. He called the agency after accidentally deleting an important e-mail to get help in retrieving it and posted a video of the conversation.
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Tesla Could Soon Suck Up Worldwide Supply of Lithium-Ion Cells
Assuming Tesla doubles production from its current 21K cars/year to 40K cars/year (something it expects to do by 2015), the carmaker would require the entire existing global capacity for 18650 commodity cells. That assumes no other growth, no next gen model, nada.
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Is Sending Your Kid to Private School Evil?
Slate's Allison Benedikt is ruffling some feathers with her recent manifesto, "If You Send Your Kid to Private School, You Are a Bad Person." "Not bad like murderer bad," Benedikt writes, "but bad like ruining-one-of-our-nation's-most-essential-institutions-in-order-to-get-what's-best-for-your-kid bad. So, pretty bad."
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Building Melts Car
A 37-story skyscraper, dubbed the "Walkie Talkie" because of its shape, under construction in London has been blamed for reflecting light which melted parts of a car parked on a nearby street. As a precautionary measure, the city is closing off parking spots in the area during an investigation into the matter.
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A corollary
"The best way to stop whistleblowers is to stop giving people a reason to want to blow the whistle." --by Myria
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Why Are Terrorists Often Engineers?
Three years ago, in a follow up to its September 2008 article, IEEE Spectrum revisited the question of why a disproportionate number of terrorists have engineering degrees. According to its summary of the interview with political scientist Steffen Hertog, "nearly half of (individuals involved in political violence) with degrees have been engineers," a rather ambiguous statement especially for a publication targeted at engineers.
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Can Closed Public Schools Become Makerspaces?
Low enrollment has lead to the closure of many public schools throughout the country, but those buildings can continue on as beacons of creativity and learning. Educator and technology access activist Phil Shapiro wants to see those shuttered schools turned into makerspaces. Timothy Lord chats with Shapiro about how that could happen.
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