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RSA Denies Taking NSA Money to Backdoor Crypto
Is Ruby Dying?
Alan Turing Pardoned
The iOS 7 Jailbreak Fiasco
Why Do Mobile Versions of Websites Suck?
Hot Comment: "Microsoft should extend support for XP...but only on a cash-for-patch..."
From the Vault: Slovak Police Planted Explosives on Air Travelers
Watch It: A Step Toward True Virtual Reality Gaming
Poll Booth: What computing device do you use most while on vacation?
Sponsored Resource: Achieving Success with a Flexible Workplace

RSA Denies Taking NSA Money to Backdoor Crypto
The Register reports that RSA has shot back at accusations, based on documents released by Edward Snowden, that the company intentionally used weaker crypto at the request of the NSA, and accepted $10 million in exchange for doing so.
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Is Ruby Dying?
John Moses writes that he has been working with node.js a lot lately and discussed with co-workers if node.js is taking steam away from Ruby, adding that he thinks a graph on the release date of gems over time could help determine an answer.
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Alan Turing Pardoned
British mathematician Alan Turing, who is considered the father of computer science, broke Nazi codes that helped win World War II. But he was prosecuted for being gay, which contributed to his suicide. Now, nearly 60 years after he took his own life, Turing has been officially pardoned by the Queen.
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The iOS 7 Jailbreak Fiasco
Evad3rs' new iOS 7 jailbreak featured a Chinese app store that sold pirated software, and which was pulled from Evasi0n7 soon after launch. Latest rumors say that the exploit used for Evasi0n7 was stolen, offered up for sale, so the Evad3rs did a deal with TaiG instead.
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Why Do Mobile Versions of Websites Suck?
Kelbear notes that many companies still have crippled and broken mobile pages and asked Slashdotters to share the obstacles they've seen in their own companies that have delayed or defeated efforts to develop competent mobile sites.
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The Solution is Obvious
"Microsoft should extend support for XP...but only on a cash-for-patch basis. Sell patches at $5 a pop for XP users, or a One-Year Security Update Subscription for $20. It's a win-win situation...." --by Nova Express
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Slovak Police Planted Explosives on Air Travelers
Three years ago, news outlets reported that Slovakian Police planted explosives on eight unsuspecting air travelers. Seven were stopped by airport security, including one man who was arrested and held upon arriving at a Dublin airport.
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A Step Toward True Virtual Reality Gaming
Virtuix Omni is an omnidirectional treadmill video game peripheral for virtual reality games developed by Virtuix. With the device and an "immersive" headset, you can play games equipped to use these devices with your whole body moving in any direction you choose. Timothy Lord catches up with the company's product manager and brings you a look at the system in action.
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What computing device do you use most while on vacation?
- Desktop
- Laptop
- Tablet
- Smartphone
- E-Reader
- Game console
- I stay away from electronics on vacation
- I'm Amish, you insensitive clod!
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Flexible workplace forward thinkers are reporting productivity increases and cost decreases of 20% or more. Learn to achieve these benefits for your business by downloading the IBM executive report Achieving success with a flexible workplace: Forward thinkers' best practices to enhance productivity, spur innovation and reduce costs. The report contains findings from a recent IBM survey covering user mobility, user support, collaboration and security.
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