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Satanists Want Monument Next to Ten Commandments at State Capitol
Google's Plan to Kill the Corporate Network
JPMorgan Building 'Bitcoin Killer'
New Evidence that Universe Could Be a Hologram
NSA, GCHQ Invade World of Warcraft, Second Life
Hot Comment: "If you think stealing a van and hitting someone warrants death, you are an..."
From the Vault: Greed, Zealotry, and the Commodore 64
Watch It: Why Wearable Tech Isn't One-Size Fits All
Poll Booth: How long do your computer mice last?
Sponsored Resource: Enterprise: A Technical Overview

Satanists Want Monument Next to Ten Commandments at State Capitol
The Tulsa World reports that in their zeal to tout their faith in the public square, conservatives in Oklahoma may have unwittingly opened the door to a wide range of religious groups, including Satanists who are now seeking to put their own statue next to a Ten Commandments monument on the Statehouse steps.
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Google's Plan to Kill the Corporate Network
Google has revealed details on its Beyond Corp project to scrap the notion of a corporate network and move to a zero-trust model. The tech giant has moved to authenticate and authorize its 42,000 staffers so they can access Google HQ from anywhere.
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JPMorgan Building 'Bitcoin Killer'
Banking giant JPMorgan Chase has filed a patent application for an e-commerce system that sounds remarkably like Bitcoin. The application, which was made publicly available at the end of November, describes a "method and system for processing Internet payments using the electronic funds transfer network."
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New Evidence that the Universe Could Be a Hologram
The journal Nature reports that a team of physicists has provided some of the clearest evidence yet that our universe could be just one big projection, possibly proving Juan Maldacena's theory that gravity arises from infinitesimally thin, vibrating strings.
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NSA, GCHQ Invade World of Warcraft, Second Life
The NSA and GCHQ infiltrated the massive communities playing online games, according to secret documents disclosed by Edward Snowden. Not only were real-life agents deployed into virtual realms, but there were also attempts to recruit informants from the games' tech-friendly users, according to reports.
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Re:Tough luck..
"If you think stealing a van and hitting someone warrants death, you are an unhinged individual (or more likely, an internet tough guy). Even the Old Testament said 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth' - that is, the punishment should match the crime. If someone takes your eye out, you're entitled to take up to one eye- not the whole head. And I don't think there are many people who would argue that the Old Testament was too lenient..." --Patch86
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Greed, Zealotry, and the Commodore 64
Three years ago, when the Commodore 64 was reborn as an Atom-equipped nettop, the Guardian's Jon Blyth remembered what the original Commodore 64 taught him about zealotry."I can now see why American Baptists get so miffy about atheists -- it's horrible dealing with people who don't realize how much better you are," he wrote.
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Why Wearable Tech Isn't One-Size Fits All
Although wearable tech is much less of a gimmick it was a few years ago, it's still not something all of us need just yet, according to editor and publisher of Wearable Tech Insider Dan Rosenbaum. He also discusses the latest and greatest developments and products in the wearable-tech world and explains why he doesn't love Google Glass--which he calls "dork wear".
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How long do your computer mice last?
- Less than a year
- 1-2 years
- 2-3 years
- 3-4 years
- 4-5 years
- 5+ years
- Until the day after warranty expires
- I only use trackpads, you insensitive clod!
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Enterprise: A Technical Overview
When it's time to share files on-the-go, employees will often resort to consumer solutions for a quick fix. But a consumer file-sharing app is too lightweight to handle the heavy-duty requirements of enterprise data and can introduce security risks. Prevent security breaches and provide more comprehensive on-the-go access. With Citrix ShareFile you get: Mobile access to SharePoint and network shares; Mobile editing and PDF annotation on-the-go; Secure collaboration with other employees and 3rd parties; Advanced security policies for mobile devices; and User, device and network reporting/analytics.
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