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Anti-Camera Device for Use in a Small Bus?
Whatever Happened to the IPv4 Address Crisis?
Yes, Valve Is Looking for Cheaters Via DNS
Jailed for Failing to Return Movie Rented 9 Years Ago
Is Our Universe a Simulation?
Hot Comment: "All we see are the pro-Federation propaganda. All those pro-Starfleet shows..."
From the Vault: The Art of The Farewell Email
Watch It: Watch a FIRST Competition Robot Being Built
Poll Booth: I'd prefer military fiction books that are ...
Sponsored Resource: Consolidation: The Foundation for IT Business Transformation

Anti-Camera Device for Use in a Small Bus?
Paul server guy writes that he is building a limousine bus, and the owners want to prevent occupants from using cameras on board. (But they would like the cameras mounted on the bus to continue to operate.) EMP generators are not an option and high-power IR proved ineffective, so he asked Slashdotters for any ideas.
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Whatever Happened to the IPv4 Crisis?
When the last blocks of IPv4 address space were allocated in 2011, experts warned that unless everyone upgraded to IPv6, the world would be face a crisis that would hamper Internet connectivity for everyone. Three years later, IPv4 addresses are still being doled out. What happened?
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Yes, Valve Is Looking for Cheaters Via DNS
Valve CEO Gabe Newell has personally responded to allegations that his company's anti-cheat system was scanning users' Internet history. And his answer is yes, Valve is scanning DNS caches with a two-tiered approach intended to find cheating users by looking for cheat servers in their histories.
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Jailed for Failing to Return Movie Rented 9 Years Ago
A 27-year-old woman was arrested last week for failing to return a movie she rented in 2005 from a now-defunct video store. According to news reports, the South Carolina woman rented "Monster-in-Law," but did not return the video within the 72-hour rental limit, leading to her arrest 9 years later.
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Is Our Universe a Simulation?
Mathematician Edward Frenkel writes in the NYT that one fanciful possibility that explains why mathematics seems to permeate our universe is that we live in a computer simulation based on the laws of mathematics -- not in what we commonly take to be the real world.
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You've Bought Into Federation Propaganda
"All we see are the pro-Federation propaganda. All those pro-Starfleet shows with their fictional "Prime Directive" and an emphasis on exploration are just propaganda to paper over the federation's relentless military buildup to support their imperialist expansionist policies. They show Starfleet and the rich nomenklatura, but never the vast backwater gulag planets where..." --by Anonymous Coward
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The Art of The Farewell Email
Five years ago, there were so many people losing their jobs, the farewell email had become common. But writing a really good one, whether it be funny, sad or just plain mad is an art form. Slashdotters shared the best and worst goodbye emails they've seen.
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Watch a FIRST Competition Robot Being Built
We have shown clips from FIRST Robotics Competitions before on Slashdot, with a concentration on the Dexter Dreadbots because they're the "home team" for Slashdot's home office in Michigan. In this video, we hear from team mentor Jennifer Bryson and watch as the team works on its 2014 competition robot.
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I'd prefer military fiction books that are ...
- Set in the ancient past
- Set in the distant but not ancient past
- Set in the recent past
- Set in the present day or near future
- Set in the far future
- Who cares, as long as it's not set on Earth!
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Consolidation: The Foundation for IT Business Transformation
This white paper explores how to consolidate legacy, redundant IT services and shows how consolidation can accelerate growth while cutting costs and reducing complexities and enhance competitiveness.
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