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Should Developers Fix Bugs They Caused on Their Own Time?
Weirdest Places Where Linux Is Installed
Death Coming for Swipe-and-Sign Credit Cards in the U.S.
Mass Surveillance: 3 Reasons to Hate It, 3 Ways to Fight It
How Russia Made It Snow in a Subtropical Beach Resort
Hot Comment: "A majority of young adults are dumb as a box of rocks. And it's not their..."
From the Vault: The Awful Anti-Pirate System That Will Probably Work
Watch It: Meet MOSS Modular Robots
Poll Booth: Best Valentine's Day gift (as recipient)
Sponsored Resource: Next-Generation Application Security

Should Developers Fix Bugs They Caused on Their Own Time?
If a builder builds a wall that begins to fall out from the bottom, but continues to build the wall higher, in most cases, he would have to replace the lower bricks at his own expense and on his own time. Bizzeh asked fellow Slashdotters whether that standard should be applied to developers of buggy software.
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Weirdest Places Where Linux Is Installed
From installations in North Korea and the International Space Station to a supercomputer made out of Legos and computer engineer Barbie, Bryan Lunduke recently pulled together a collection of the weirdest places he's found Linux. What other odd places have you seen Linux?
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Death Coming for Swipe-and-Sign Credit Cards in the U.S.
U.S. banks and merchants are shifting to a more secure way of authorizing credit card transactions in which customers will enter a personal identification number (PIN) at checkout instead of signing a receipt. The US is the last major market in the world using the signature system, which is part of the reason why a disproportionate amount of credit card fraud happens here.
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Mass Surveillance: 3 Reasons to Hate It, 3 Ways to Fight It
The revelations we've seen over the last year-and-change of widespread spying on U.S. citizens, the UK's use of malware against citizens, and the use of technology to oppress government protesters all over the world sparked "The Day We Fight Back." We marked the day with a look the dangers of mass survelliance and what we can do to fight it.
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How Russia Made It Snow in a Subtropical Beach Resort
Located on the eastern shore of the Black Sea, Sochi is humid and subtropical with temperatures averaging about 52 degrees Fahrenheit (12 C) in the winter, and 75 degrees (24 C) in the summer. So, it's not completely surprising that the estimated cost of staging the Olympics there has been greater than the previous three Winter Games combined.
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Re: And in other news...
A majority of young adults are dumb as a box of rocks. And it's not their fault. It's that they had horrible parents that did not teach them anything and went to public school. Education in the United States is a complete and utter joke. As an adult that went through that system..." -by Lumpy
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The Awful Anti-Pirate System That Will Probably Work
Four years ago, much virtual ink was spilled over Ubisoft's harsh DRM system for Assassin's Creed 2. You must have a constant internet connection, and, if your connection breaks, the game exits. One article in particular explained why, as dreadful as the system is, it does have a chance of holding hackers off long enough for the game to make its money.
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Meet MOSS Modular Robots
The MOSS modular robot system is sort of like Lego Mindstorms, in that you assemble small blocks to make custom robots and other items. But it has some interesting tricks of its own, as product demonstrator John Moyes shows Timothy Lord. See what makes them different.
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Best Valentine's Day gift (as recipient):
- Something edible
- Something jeweled
- Something to hang on the wall
- Something electronic Something not covered by this list
- Nothing at all
- Valentine's Day does not exist for me
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Next-Generation Application Security
Today's high performance applications demand clean, efficient and secure code. Regardless of whether you and your team develop in C/C++, Java or C#, your code needs to be both reliable and secure. In years past, most development teams worried about the cleanliness of their code, but they rarely worried about code security. And if they did look out for security, it was often not during the development process. Learn how software development teams are turning analysis and code review into a holistic process that combines code verification and efficiency with security and other processes into one, streamlined system. Learn how this streamlined software development process can help boost the security and reliability of your code while making the work of development easier and more efficient.
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