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Heartbleed OpenSSL Vulnerability: A Technical Remediation
Meet Windows XP Diehards Who Refuse to Move On
Navy's New Railgun Launches Shells at Mach 7
John McAfee on Google, Politics and His Colorful Past
LA Police Officers Tampered with Monitoring Systems
Hot Comment: "This is nothing new. Audiophiles and musicians are notoriously..."
From the Vault: Why Science Is a Lousy Career Choice
Watch It: Ubuntu's Jono Bacon Talks Community, Heavy Metal
Poll Booth: How much do you spend yearly on mobile apps?
Sponsored Resource: Competitive Landscape: Data Center Ethernet Fabric

Heartbleed OpenSSL Vulnerability: A Technical Remediation
Since Heartbleed was announced, malicious actors have been leaking software library data and using PoC codes to attack services available on the Internet. One of the more complicated issues involved with the serious vulnerability is that the OpenSSL patches were not in-line with the upstream of large Linux flavors.
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Meet Windows XP Diehards Who Refuse to Move On
Microsoft has declared the party for Windows XP fans is over. But Ian Paul writes that many people around the world refuse to give it up and asks, "What's so great about an operating system that was invented before the age of Dropbox and Facebook, an OS that's almost as old as the original Google search engine?"
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Navy's New Railgun Launches Shells at Mach 7
The U.S. Navy has debuted its new railgun technology, which was developed by General Atomics and uses the Lorentz force in a type of linear, electric motor to hurl a 23-pound projectile at speeds exceeding Mach 7 -- in excess of 5,000 mph. The weapon has a range of 100 miles and doesn't require explosive warheads.
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John McAfee on Google, Politics and His Colorful Past
Founder of the computer anti-virus company McAfee Associates, John McAfee gained world-wide attention eluding Belizean authorities in the jungle. And you got to ask him anything. He answered with extreme frankness, with some interesting advice for anyone stuck at a checkpoint in the third world.
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LA Police Officers Tampered with Monitoring Systems
An internal audit conducted by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in March revealed that "dozens of the [voice] transmitters worn by officers in Southeast Division were missing or damaged." In the summer of 2013, this same division was found to have mysteriously lost 45% of the antennae placed on their cars to pick up the signals sent by their voice transmitters.
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Modern audiophiles are no different.
"This is nothing new. Audiophiles and musicians are notoriously stubborn when it comes to accepting reality. There are still people who insist that vinyl records are a more genuine/accurate representation of sound than digital formats. There are people who insist that they can hear the difference between 320kbps mp3s (using the highest-quality available compressor) and their uncompressed counterparts.
Science and math proves all of these things wrong, yet people still insist they're right." --by Anonymous Coward
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Why Science Is a Lousy Career Choice
Three years ago, Pastabagel wrote that the need for American students to study STEM is one of the tired refrains in modern American politics and that plenty of people already study science, but they don't work in science. "MIT grads are more likely to end up in the financial industry, where quants and traders are very well compensated, than in the semiconductor industry where the spectre of outsourcing to India and Asia will hang over their heads for their entire career."
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Ubuntu's Jono Bacon Talks Community, Heavy Metal
You've probably heard Ubuntu Community Manager Jono Bacon speak at a Linux or Open Source conference. Or maybe you've read his well-regarded book about building online communities, "The Art of Community". Jono also wrote and performed the heavy metal version of Richard M. Stallman's infamous composition, "The Free Software Song". We sit down with Jono to talk about everything from his music to what he thinks is the worst thing about being a community manager.
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How much do you spend yearly on mobile apps?
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- $10 - $20
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- Too much oh god please help me
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Competitive Landscape: Data Center Ethernet Fabric
Get Gartner's recommendations for selecting the right Ethernet fabric for your data center network. This report highlights the competitive landscape of leading vendors in the data center Ethernet fabric market and provides insight into why vendors are pursuing strong end-to-end-data center network integration.
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