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NSA Admits to Warrantless Searches of U.S. Citizens' Data
Microsoft Brings Back Start Menu, Gives Away Windows for Small Devices
Subversion Project Migrates To Git
Have Free-to-Air Satellite TV Experiences to Share?
Pepsi Consultant Burned Down Indie Game Jam
Hot Comment: "As someone who was on H1-B, it's a scam..."
From the Vault: Red Hat Uncloaks 'Java Killer'
Watch It: Protecting 'Internet of Things' From Hackers
Poll Booth: Should NASA Send Astronauts on Voluntary One-Way Missions?
Sponsored Resource: Why You Need a Next-Generation Firewall

NSA Admits to Warrantless Searches of U.S. Citizens' Data
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper has confirmed the use of a new legal rule that basically says that if you communicated with someone that is "reasonably believed" to be a terrorist, you've lost constitutional protection against searches without a warrant.
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Microsoft Brings Back Start Menu, Gives Away Windows for Small Devices
At Microsoft's BUILD conference, the company announced that the Start Menu will officially be returning to Windows 8.1 as well as a number of other changes. In other announcements, Microsoft said it will give Windows away for free to OEMs making phones, tablets and IoT devices and unveiled its answer to Siri.
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Subversion Project Migrates To Git
The Apache Subversion project has begun migrating its source code from the ASF Subversion repo to git. However, there was strong opposition to the move from the older and more conservative SVN devs, and reportedly a lot of grumbling and ranting when the vote was tallied.
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Have Free-to-Air Satellite TV Experiences to Share?
Dishwasha writes about discovering free programming available via various satellite systems that only requires a one-time cost of getting a dish and receiver and asked fellow Slashdotters about setups of other FTA users and about hacks to DVR/PVR devices.
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Pepsi Consultant Burned Down Indie Game Jam
Would you like to see a half-million-dollar TV show in which four teams of indie developers and Youtube personalities compete to create amazing video games? Tough luck, because GAME_JAM from Maker Studios has spectacularly imploded thanks to a branding consultant brought in for Pepsi.
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As someone who was on H1-B, it's a scam
"As someone who worked on an H1-B visa about 10 years back in Silicon Valley, I can confirm that these visas are being misused by IT consulting companies. They take the majority of these visas and then use them as baits in India for IT professionals. Most indian IT companies are nothing but cheap labour shops. If there is a dearth of IT professionals, make H1-B non-employer specific. All it does is make you a bonded labourer for 4-6 years with your employer who promises to process your green card while paying you a low salary. This is a big scam and I hope enough people take notice so that something is done about it. Most people on H1-B won't speak about it cause they don't want to go back home or lose their job. This is what keeps it going." --by dwillyson
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Red Hat Uncloaks 'Java Killer'
Three years ago, Gavin King of Red Hat/Hibernate/Seam fame unveiled the top secret project that he worked on for over two years--a new language and SDK designed to replace Java in the enterprise. The project came out of hiding without much fanfare or publicity at QCon Beijing in a keynote.
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Protecting 'Internet of Things' From Hackers
What happens when your oven is connected to the Internet? A malicious hacker might be able to set it to broil while you're on vacation, and get it so hot that it could start a fire. Not good. With the "Internet of Things," you will have many devices to secure, not just a couple of computers and handheld devices. Timothy Lord recently chatted with an IoT security expert about what's involved in protecting Internet-enabled embedded devices.
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Should NASA Send Astronauts on Voluntary One-Way Missions?
- Absolutely, for any mission the astronauts are willing to take.
- Only for high value missions.
- Only if the astronauts have a reasonable chance of surviving where they end up.
- I don't see a good reason, but I could be convinced.
- No. Never.
- One-way missions should be the purview of private space companies.
- Can I volunteer?
- Can I volunteer somebody else?
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Why You Need a Next-Generation Firewall
Next-generation (NG) firewalls, with features such as deep packet inspection, intrusion detection, application identification, and granular control, are important weapons in the battle against hacking and malware. Mobile applications have taken the overall scheme of corporate IT, and NG firewalls enable organizations to incorporate full-stack inspection to support intrusion prevention. This white paper explores the reasons for implementing NG firewalls and lays out a path to success for overburdened IT organizations.
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