Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Pets & Animals Conservation International researchers had re-discovered the Sambas stream toad (aka Borneo rainbow toad). It was last seen in the early 1920s, there ... |  | from On The Go By Jennifer Mishler, ecorazzi American Airlines reports that they will no longer fly primates being sent to research labs! The British Union for the A... |  | from Healthy Home For tips, inspiration and advice on how to incorporate more healthy practices into your home, here are some books we recommend. Above: Cookbook author... |  | from Healthy Home By Alyssa Ford, Experience Life Turn on the local news, page through a magazine or scan a website, and you're bound to be inundated with nutritional a... |  | from Health & Wellness No, they aren’t the same bath salts used in a bathtub, but they have been called that to allow them to be sold legally. Plant Food, Ivory Wave, ... |  | from Health & Wellness By Bernie Siegel, MD Many years ago a childhood friend of mine, due to a gambling addiction, got into a difficult situation involving some very signif... |  | from Spirituality The practice of peace and reconciliation is one of the most vital and artistic of human actions. -Thich Nhat Hanh The majority of relationships fail... |  | from Spirituality “I don’t believe in the choice you two are making… I don’t, but I don’t think that it’s any of my business... |  | from Health & Wellness If you have been suffering from acne, rashes, heartburn, acidity and frequent fits of anger, your ruling dosha or humor, according to Ayurveda, is Pit... |  | from Health & Wellness According to research laughter has been proven to contribute substantially to boosting the immune system, reducing stress, lowering blood pressure and... |  | from Spirituality Your body is not a structure, it is a process. Your body, the ecosystem, and the universe are all one process. When we look deeply within any structur... |  | from Health & Wellness Learning how to nourish ourselves is a journey. In this short film from the Nourish, pediatrician Nadine Burke discusses the evolution of her eating h... |  | from Healthy Home By Katherine Butler, If you love animals and you are allergic to them, caring for pets can seem like walking an endless tightrope. Given the b... |  | from Pets & Animals Nothing can get in the way of these clever kitties’ need for freedom! Related: Corgi Helps Sister Escape (Video) Cat Tells Dog No (Video) Exhaus... |  | from Family Life If you have been a new parent over the last two decades, then you have likely wrestled with the vaccine and immunization issue. The issue being the li... |  | from Health & Wellness Summer gardens are bringing forth an abundance of nightshade foods destined for your dinner plate, your fresh tomato salad, or scattered across a slic... |  | from Food & Recipes I love nuts and seeds. I think I must have been a bird in a past life. Good thing, too, as they are Powerfoods! Don’t Be So Scared of the Fat:... |  | from True Beauty Epsom salt baths are the best. They make your skin soft as silk, and have an amazing array of health benefits. My favorite perks from soaking in Epsom... | | july 21, 2011 |
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