| from Civil Rights Louisiana Gay Adoption Case Heading to Supreme Court Lamda Legal filed on Monday a petition for a writ of certiorari asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case of a same-sex couple seeking to ... by: Steve W. |
| from Civil Rights British MP Responds to Care2 Petition Last month, Philip Davies, a Tory MP from Shipley, proposed that disabled people be paid less than the minimum wage, to increase the likelihood of the... by: Kristina C. |
| from Civil Rights Chile Preparing Gay Unions Bill Chile is preparing to introduce long awaited legislation to provide unions to same-sex couples and unmarried heterosexuals, but whether the leg... by: Steve W. |
| from Civil Rights Denny’s Implementing Trans-Friendly Restroom Policy Denny’s restaurants in Maine have announced they will now implement a trans-friendly restroom policy. This comes following a legal complaint mad... by: Steve W. |
| from Civil Rights Challenge to Bigamy Law Just days after New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan ominously predicted that after gay marriage was legalized, polygamy would be next, an Mormon family ... by: Amelia T. |
| from Civil Rights Congress Asks DOJ To Look At Voter ID Laws Last week sixteen senators, led by Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder asking him to investigate whether the Voti... by: Jessica P. |
| from Civil Rights Court Asks: Will Obama Drop DADT Defense? The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in a an order issued Monday gave the Department of Justice 10 days to decide whether it will appeal the decisi... by: Steve W. |
| from Trailblazers For Good Is the Humble Text Message a Cause Marketing Star? I’m reevaluating my thinking on text messages (SMS) for cause marketing. Previously, SMS only meant text-to-give for me. And unless you used SMS... by: Joe Waters |
| from Real Food New Study Says “Food Deserts” Only Part of the Problem Those of us who have worked in food policy point to “food deserts” (places where healthy, affordable food is hard to find) as a pro... by: cathrynw |
| from Human Rights Somalia Crisis Worsens Actress Kristin Davis, best known for her role as Charlotte on HBO’s Sex and the City, broke down in tears on live TV while describing her visit... by: Amelia T. |
| from Human Rights Zimbabwe HIV Consultant: Decriminalize Gays, Prostitutes A National Aids Council of Zimbabwe consultant hired by the government body to advise on how to combat the devastatingly high HIV/AIDS infectio... by: Steve W. |
| from Human Rights Chinese Writer Liao Yiwu Escapes to Germany Last week, dissident writer Liao Yiwu escaped from China and is now in Berlin. Liao had been denied an exit visa 17 times, been forcibly taken off pla... by: Kristina C. |
| from Politics Former Congressman Alan Grayson Runs Again Despite his loss to Republican Daniel Webster in 2010, former Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson has announced that he will once again be running, al... by: Robin M. |
| from Politics Perry's Making Calls, Bachmann's Avoiding Them Now that the expose of Marcus Bachmann’s “ex-gay” therapy clinic has reached the mainstream, it seems that presidential candidate Mi... by: Robin M. |
| from Politics Daily Debt: Raise it Yourself! What happens when people stop bothering to try and negotiate? Apparently, they just walk away and say “fine, do whatever you want.” Or at... by: Robin M. |
| from Politics Reunion Porn “Reunion porn” the nickname some of us in the military community have given to the current rash of TV shows filming the reunions of... by: Karen Francis |
| from Politics Minnesota Shutdown Now Longest In Recent State History We are on day 12 of the Minnesota state shutdown, and still there is no budging from the Republican party. The state GOP has made no counteroffer sin... by: Robin M. |
| from Politics Court To FCC: Do Your Freakin’ Job! By Eric K. Arnold, Media Consortium Blogger Just when it seemed that the wave of media consolidation had reached tsunami proportions, a new cou... by: Care2 Causes Editors |
| from Politics On Election Day, Polling Shows Hahn Leading Huey By Eight The voters will finally speak in today’s special election in California, and despite indications that an upset might be in the making according ... by: Robin M. |
| from Politics Cisco Plans Massive Layoff While Asking For Tax Holiday In what is likely to be another blow to the already fragile U.S. economy, computer networking giant Cisco Corporation is announcing a plan for a massi... by: Robin M. |
| from Politics Is MLB Failing Fans?: Questions After Death At Ranger Ballpark Last Thursday, Shannon Stone, a 39-year-old firefighter from Brownwood, Texas, fell over the railing at Rangers Ballpark while trying to catch a foul ... by: Kristina C. |
| from Politics GOP Gaming Wisconsin Recall Elections Wisconsin Republicans must not like their chances in today’s recall elections. Why? Well just look at the list of voter suppression and electo... by: Jessica P. |
| from Politics Morning Mix: Republicans Say "We Already Compromised" In the words of The Princess Bride, “I don’t think that word means what you think it means.” But yes, according to the Congressiona... by: Robin M. |
| from Global Warming Al Gore Asks Us To Get Real on Climate Change Former Vice President Al Gore has launched a new project to bring attention to the importance of action on global climate change. The Climate Reality ... by: Nancy R. |
| from Environment & Wildlife Priority Goals at International Whaling Commission 63 in Jersey NOTE: This is a guest post from Bernard Unti. Unti has served on Humane Society International’s IWC delegation since 2007. He is senior policy a... by: Emily L. |
| from Environment & Wildlife House Republican Thinks the EPA Is Scary Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) thinks that the EPA is “the scariest agency in the federal government.” He told reporters that earlier thi... by: Gina-Marie Cheeseman |
| from Health Policy Report Says Pentagon’s Psychological Services Are Dysfunctional Back in 2007, Congress instructed the Pentagon to investigate innovative ways of helping soldiers who were coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan with ... by: Amelia T. |
| from Health Policy Autistic Boy Left in ER By “Overwhelmed” Mother Last Friday, a 10-year-old autistic boy was found wandering in the ER room at Broward General Medical Center. Police in Fort Lauderdale said a man in ... by: Kristina C. |
| from Animal Welfare Update: Slaughterhouse Escapee Arrives at Permanent Sanctuary Kayli, the white cow who romped through the streets of Upper Darby, Pennsylvania last month attempting to escape from the Madina slaughterhouse... by: Megan D. |
| from Animal Welfare Ferrets Get the Last Laugh (VIDEO) No words are spoken in this video but its message is universal. Certainly a great commentary on animals used in circuses and killed in the nam... by: Megan D. |
| from Women's Rights Australian Veiling Law Australia’s most populous state, New South Wales, approved a law which allows police to demand that Muslim women remove face veils and other cov... by: Amelia T. |
| from Women's Rights Women’s Worlds: Breaking Ground The Women’s Worlds congress in Ottawa, Canada was four intense days of discussions on women’s inclusions, exclusions and seclusions... by: Annie U. |
| from Education New Daycare Requirements A set of new proposed regulations from the Colorado Department of Health and Human Services are proving unpopular with childcare workers, who describe... by: Amelia T. |
| from Education iPadgate Hits the Special Needs Community Like a lot of families with a child with disabilities, we’ve been more than thrilled to see how our autistic son Charlie has benefited from havi... by: Kristina C. |
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