Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Health & Wellness Here, 16 smart solutions for sounder sleep, a healthier heart, lower blood pressure, and more, from the new book by The Doctors ... |  | from Health & Wellness Whether the problem is cognitive impairment or normal aging, try these assists. ... |  | from Health & Wellness There are thieves among us, stealing our energy and harming our health. What are these energy thieves, and what can we do about them? An energy expert... |  | from Pets & Animals With a scratch, scratch here and a scratch, scratch there… Warm weather is returning and with it come the fleas. Those nasty little buggers coul... |  | from Pets & Animals Sloths are one of those critters that don’t have to do much of anything to be absolutely adorable. Watch this baby sloth in desperate need of a ... |  | from Healthy Home Ah the humble cucumber–it sits patiently in the crisper drawer while its flashier cousins are being scooped up and devoured for dinner. The cucu... |  | from Spirituality By Melanie Bates I recently lost my mojo. I don't know what else to call it but, as I've been devouring the contents of the Owning Pink website recent... |  | from Food & Recipes Some of my fondest memories of international travel have to do with the food. I realize this may sound like a reductionist approach to cultural unders... |  | from Garden & Nature As I wrote about last summer, saving our farmland is vital not only for the food it gives us and the livelihood it provides our farmers, but because i... |  | from Food & Recipes By Lauren Howland, Planet Green Kombucha is a fermented drink that, for centuries, has continuously helped keep the human body healthy and strong. The... |  | from Conscious Consumer A researcher from UC-Irvine has been studying the effects of endocannanabinoids and fatty foods. Cannabinoids are a class of chemicals found in plants... |  | from Spirituality In May, I wrote about how You Are The Problem and today I am writing to say that if you are still suffering… then you are still the problem. Cha... |  | from Spirituality Awake. Be the witness of your thoughts. You are what observes, not what you observe. — The Buddha We come from opposite sides of the Atlantic Oc... |  | from Spirituality Fortunately, higher reality has a way of breaking out unexpectedly. There are moments when the all-knowing nucleus of the self defeats the mind's narr... | | july 19, 2011 |
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