Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Pets & Animals Emory University researchers say the results of their study show chimps are inherently altruistic. They trained a group of chimps to recognize tokens ... |  | from On The Go German researchers have been working with golden silk orb-weaver spiders to gather their silk for testing as a potential material in human skin replac... |  | from Conscious Consumer Can "design thinking" imbue a wide spectrum of solutions to help clean up pollution problems? Conscious designers in the fashion world are connecting ... |  | from Green 101 By Amy Crews for Usually at the grocery store check-out you will be asked your preference for paper or plastic. That question now ex... |  | from Spirituality Are you single, like me, and find if yourself feeling extra lonely on holidays as you drive by parks filled with families and friends gathering for pi... |  | from Green 101 Living without cash to affect social and environment change from the root of the issues. ... |  | from Health & Wellness Researchers estimate that half of the world’s population is chronically dehydrated. And in America, that level is even higher at 75% of the popu... |  | from Health & Wellness A recent study published in the American Journal of Sociology has found a link between erectile dysfunction in older men and friendships between their... |  | from Health & Wellness If you can love your vagina, you can love any part of you – not just your belly, your butt, your boobs, and your thighs, but also that thing you... |  | from Health & Wellness By Marlo Sollitto, contributing editor Fatigue is a common complaint among caregivers. The stress of a hectic lifestyle, giving so much ... |  | from True Beauty Summer is in full swing and that means beaches, bathing suits and for many, belittling their own body images. As the spring weather warms and they beg... |  | from Green 101 by Victoria Bender, All Things Healing contributor to Aromatherapy We buy products to clean, deodorize and freshen our homes that have ingredients als... |  | from Healthy Home By Philip Schmidt, Hometalk Shopping remotely has become a modern-day tale of Pandora’s box. It’s so temptingly convenient, but once you m... |  | from Healthy Home One of the best parts of editing Natural Home was finding houses that push the conventional edgeand meeting the crazy geniuses who built them. These ... |  | from Spirituality I've recently felt a tremendous amount of gratitude for all the support I receive from the Universe. Rather than let my ego say, "this is all too good... |  | from Spirituality Who you think you are is not real but a concoction of past events, desires, and memories. This concoction has a life of its own–it motors forwar... |  | from Pets & Animals Invest a little bit of time and money in your pets’ dental health now to avoid big problems and bills later. ... |  | from Pets & Animals This cute dog can’t seem to get his tongue out of the peanut butter. It is a little bit of a struggle to get the rest from the bottom of the con... | | august 12, 2011 |
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