Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Home We talked to the amazing Fran Drescher actress and activist and founder of Cancer Schmancer for this segment and asked her what she is most passionate... |  | from Conscious Consumer Reebok stoops to an all-time low with its misogynistic advertising campaign, which instructs presumably men to "Cheat on Your Girlfriend, Not on Your ... |  | from Conscious Consumer Over 675 wild dolphins have been stranded in the northern Gulf of Mexico since February 2010. Most of them were found dead, but 33 were alive and seve... |  | from Family There is a movie in wide release this weekend, its called The Hunger Games. Maybe you have heard of it? The film, based upon Suzanne Collins's insanel... |  | from Health This is 'chapati' or 'roti' as we call it in India, but powered with vegetables and spices to make it colourful, flavourful and healthful. And yes, th... |  | from Spirit "I feel the wind flowing around my wing feathers as I float in the air suspended by the invisible breeze. I look down and see the forest below me, the... |  | from Health Over the last month, the importance of having faith has been coming up again and again for me. Not religious faith, but faith in life. Faith in myse... |  | from Spirit We are giving away a copy of Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting by Dr. Wayne Dyer. Check out this excerpt and don’t forget to le... |  | from Spirit You assume that you have to work to make your dreams come true, when in fact most of the work you run around doing is preventing your dreams from comi... |  | from Nature By Animal Planet Cheater, cheater, belly eater! There have been plenty of people who’ve scammed their way to the top, and the same goes for the ... |  | from Nature A poaching attack on three rhino in southern South Africa in early March has shocked teams at a game reserve there. White rhino are listed as “n... |  | from Green It’s only a prototype now, but the Denver Zoo is using animal poop and trash to power an electric rickshaw. The plan is to test the fuel’s... |  | from Health By Sara Novak, Planet Green We’ve been told time and time again to eat our veggies but more often than not we tend to forget that herbs can be j... |  | from Health by Leila Turner, ND, Contributor to Naturopathy on Because bioidentical hormones are identical in structure to our own body's sex... |  | from Family A new children’s book is about to be on the shelves, but it’s not your average Cat in the Hat. It teaches kids about veganism. It’s ... |  | from Beauty By Sayward Rebhal, Networx Making a major lifestyle shift can often seem daunting, and sometimes the simple act of getting started is enough to stop y... |  | from Pets Though dogs are more known for their happy-go-lucky attitude, that other four-legged friend still gets in on the fun! Click through for some of... |  | from Family Don't miss this enlightening new paradigm for talking honestly about sex and sexuality with both children and teens. Deborah Roffman, one of the most ... |  | from Videos While attending a launch party for her new perfume Thursday night, Kim Kardashian received an unexpected shower of white powder from a woman in attend... |  | from Videos In a society where it is uncommon to see women holding jobs such as being a mechanic, Ndeye Coumba Mbengue set up a garage where she employs girls. We... |  | from Pets This boxer, Chuck, is really excited to see his soldier after 8 months! Related: 8 Really Happy Dogs (Videos) Soldiers Reuniting With Their Dog... |  | from Pets Beyonce is the smallest puppy in the litter. She was named, of course, after the singer, and her group Destiny’s Child’s hit, ̶... | | march 25, 2012 |
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