Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Spirit The Human Resources department of a large managed care company wants to hire me to train their doctors how to practice the kind of Pink Medicine I spo... |  | from Home Whether you are moving into a smaller bedroom, a smaller home, or live in a more petite space, here are some tips for organizing and/or downsizing y... |  | from Food A staple of the ancient Incas who revered it as sacred, quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) is not a true grain, but a seed. Surprisingly, it is related to ... |  | from Food We are less than three weeks away from the first day of spring! Granted, it’s been a fairly moderate winter where we are, but we’re excite... |  | from Spirit The founder of Anusara yoga, John Friend has taken a leave of absence after complaints of misconduct – both sexual and financial – have em... |  | from Health Photo Courtesy Of: iStockphoto/Thinkstock The U.S. Centers for Disease Control have long claimed that between 1998 and 2008, there were two deaths fr... |  | from Love Could you have more and better orgasms on a vegan diet? How about avoiding heart disease and increasing sexual performance by making this one powerful... |  | from Videos After being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, Ashley Hackshaw, like many people with cancer, decided to shave her head. Rather than view it as a n... |  | from Pets By David Aaron Moore, Networx People love their pets. Be it a cat, dog, hamster or goldfish, most U.S. residents have some kind of non-humanoid compan... |  | from Pets Baby, a French bulldog turns surrogate mother for a litter of wild boar piglets in Germany, even when the piglets are almost as large as their adopted... |  | from Spirit written by Sun, Co-Founder of Gentle World … Two score and seven years ago, young people brought forth to this nation a new consciousness, conce... |  | from Spirit by Janet Lansbury, Contributor to Family & Parenting on A toddler acting out is not shameful, nor is it behavior that needs p... |  | from Spirit To be centered is considered desirable. But if there is no person inside your head, if the ego's sense of I, me, mine is illusory, where's the center?... |  | from Food If you’re a college basketball fan like I am (go, Jayhawks!), you are probably getting excited for one of the best sporting events of the year&#... |  | from Family By Anne-Marie Botek, Remember those Apple commercials—the ones where the phrase, “There’s an app for that,” was repeat... |  | from Nature By Jeff Opperman, The Nature Conservancy Most people love blue skies and clearly prefer being drenched with sunshine rather than rain. The sunny regio... |  | from Nature One of my favorite aspects of gardening is trying new things I've never grown (or maybe even never eaten) before. In Triumphant Turnipis, you'll find ... | | march 2, 2012 |
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