Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Spirit Last night, I dug out an old book from my mother's self-nurture treasury. Written in Hindi, the book's title roughly translates to 'Healing Your Body ... |  | from News & Issues It may sound odd that bacteria can actually reduce allergy symptoms. But, certain bacteria can reduce inflammation in the body, improve nutrient abso... |  | from Health My Care2 blog on Wednesday, Statin Cholesterol Drug Muscle Toxicity, discussed the new FDA warnings attached to statins, the world’s best-sellin... |  | from Nature A proposed policy coming from the current administration would limit the protection of wild animals and plants that need it. Eighty-nine conservation ... |  | from Spirit In my years as an author, I’ve been blessed to spend time with some of the greatest sports legends of all time. Throughout these conversations, ... |  | from Spirit If someone randomly commits violence against you, the facts seem to scream that life is unfair, you are innocent, random human cruelty took away your ... |  | from Health By Melanie Haiken, senior editor We hear a lot about the risks of lung cancer — but less about a lung condition that’s just as ... |  | from Health Kids have a knack for spreading germs and picking up illnesses. But if your kids come down with common ailments, you don’t have to immediately t... |  | from Home Move over hydrangea; the artichoke is taking your place. We’re fans of the vegetable-based decor that we’ve been seeing in some of our fav... |  | from Nature Either run for your life or face the top 10 most feared predators of the animal kingdom. 10. Tarantula Tarantula spiders are among the most feared ani... |  | from Pets Check out these charismatic, rabbit-like prairie dogs. This family of five likes to lounge together and it looks like they enjoy each others company t... |  | from Food Food insecurity is a term that is thrown around quite a bit these days within organic food and food justice circles. In many low-income, urban neighb... |  | from Pets State Senator Troy Balderson, a Zanesville Republican, has introduced legislation that would ban new ownership of exotic animals. Current owners of li... |  | from Uncategorized My boys and I were just in Austin, TX for a little visit with our super fun bro- and sis-in-law and my mom and dad-in-law (who are also quite fun.) We... |  | from Food Late last year a somewhat unique cookbook came on the radar titled, Make the Bread, Buy the Butter: What You Should and Shouldn’t Cook from Scra... | | march 10, 2012 |
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