Stolen Laptop Owner Gets Revenge
Some XP Users Just Can't Afford to Upgrade
The Dark Side of Amazon's New Pilots
Utility Box Exposed as Spy Cabinet
Futurama Cancelled (Again)
Hot Comment: "Yeah, Windows is dying. Just like this is the year that Linux..."
From the Vault: Tech Workers of the World Unite?
Watch It: Building Sumo Battle Bots
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Stolen Laptop Owner Gets Revenge
After the police failed to help him, a mugging victim decided to use the tracking software on his stolen laptop to locate the thief and posted a number of embarrassing photos of the unwitting user of the stolen machine.
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Some XP Users Just Can't Afford to Upgrade
With many expecting Microsoft's upcoming end-of-support for XP to cause a security nightmare of unsupported Windows devices in the wild, it seems a good time to ask how many users may fall into the category of wanting an upgrade, but being priced out by expensive but necessary third-party software. And can anything be done about it?
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Futurama Cancelled (Again)
Bad news, everyone! Futurama has been cancelled (again), according to Entertainment Weekly. The renewal of the show back onto television was met with great fanfare, but sadly it appears its luck has run out for a second time.
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The Dark Side of Amazon's New Pilots
Unknown Lamer has been really, really excited about digital video distribution lately: first Netflix greenlights jms's return to science fiction TV, and then Amazon announces its new pilots. But when he sat down to enjoy some of those new pilots, he discovered that Amazon had taken away his ability to watch.
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Utility Box Exposed as Spy Cabinet
What appeared to be a telecom-cabinet on a public road in The Hague, the Netherlands was detected by the maintenance crew of Ziggo (a triple-play provider) because it was not listed as a property of the company. When workers opened it, they found a camera and UMTS equipment. Later that day, the cabinet disappeared.
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Same old song, second verse same as the first
"Yeah, Windows is dying. Just like this is the year that Linux takes over on the desktop. Or is this the year that Apple takes over? Or CP/M makes it comeback? OS/2? I forget, I've heard them all so often." --by davmoo
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Tech Workers of the World Unite?
Seven years ago, Wired News reported on the lack of unions in the IT workplace. From the article: "Tech is the Wild West as far as the job market goes and the robber barons on top of the pile aim to keep it that way. They'll offshore your job to save a few bucks or lay you off at the first sign of a slump, but they're the first to scream, 'You're stifling innovation!' at any attempt to control the industry or provide job security for the people who do the actual work."
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Building Sumo Battle Bots
SlashTV: Brain Monkeys, a company that teaches kids about robots and technology, holds "Speed Sumo" nights, where contestants get a NXT Lego kit and 90 minutes to build a robot that can push another robot out of a sumo ring. Get a front-row seat to the action.
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