Jumat, 12 April 2013

Tell YouTube to Save the Slow Loris from Extinction

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The popularity of slow loris videos on YouTube has spawned an illegal trade that is driving the species to the brink of extinction. YouTube needs to remove clips to save these animals from suffering.
Please sign the petition today! YouTube Can Save Slow Lorises
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Dear Annisa,

Search "slow loris" on YouTube and thousands of videos will pop up. These little primates are adorable and some of these videos have millions of views. This all seems harmless, but the slow loris' popularity on YouTube could make them extinct in the wild.

The slow loris' cute antics have made it a popular pet, even though trade in the species is illegal. Even worse, it's horribly cruel. The loris bite is toxic, so to render them impotent, traders break off their teeth with pliers. Many die in captivity. Saddest of all, many of the cute and funny behaviors that drive people to get their own loris are driven by fear, stress and anxiety.

Thanks to their popularity, lorises are disappearing in the wild. Animal activists have asked YouTube to take down the slow loris videos to help curb the illegal trade in lorises, but so far, their pleas have fallen on deaf ears. We need to show them just how many people are invested in their survival.

Add your name to tell YouTube to do its part to save slow lorises by removing all loris clips.


Thank you for taking action,

Emily V.
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

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