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Apple Will Crash and Burn, Ellison Says
Apache Web Server Use Hits New Low
20 People Shot at LG Giveaway Stunt Gone Wrong
Ad Group Accuses Mozilla of 'Hijacking the Internet'
Computers Cause Delay to Out-of-Pocket Health Care Cost Cap
Hot Comment: "He makes America look like a foolish and ineffectual power mad..."
From the Vault: Why Corporates Hate Perl
Watch It: Tips to Stargaze Like a Pro
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Apple Will Crash and Burn, Ellison Says
Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, who was a onetime Apple board member, said in a recent televised interview that he thinks that Apple will collapse without Steve Jobs at the helm.
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Apache Web Server Use Hits New Low
Apache has always dominated the web server landscape, but in August, its share slipped below 50 percent for the first time in years. However, the new winner isn't nginx.
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20 People Shot at LG Giveaway Stunt Gone Wrong
In an ill-conceived marketing event, LG released 100 helium-filled balloons, each carrying a voucher for a 950,000 won ($852.54) smartphone. People showed up armed with BB guns, knives on sticks, and other tools to burst the balloons. Predictably, chaos ensued.
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Ad Group Accuses Mozilla of 'Hijacking the Internet'
In its latest attempt to stop Mozilla from going ahead with its proposed default blocking of third-party cookies in Firefox, the Interactive Advertising Bureau took out a full page ad urging users to stop "Mozilla from hijacking the Internet."
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Computers Cause Delay to Out-of-Pocket Health Care Cost Cap
A significant consumer protection in President Obama's health care initiative that limits out-of-pocket costs for consumers has been delayed. The reason: Companies say their computer systems can't keep track of individuals' out-of-pocket expenses.
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"He makes America look like a foolish and ineffectual power mad state. Part of the Great Game is marketing, after all." --by Stargoat
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Why Corporates Hate Perl
Five years ago, a piece posted on O'Reilly's ONLamp discussed the reasons that some companies were turning away from Perl. According to the writer, management at a company he spoke to had started to refer to Perl-based systems as "legacy" and generally disparage it. He added that that attitude had seeped through to non-technical business users as well.
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Tips to Stargaze Like a Pro
SlashTV: Not content with what he could buy when he first wanted a telescope, amateur astronomer Bruce Berger set out to make his own. It turned out so well, he made several more and taught others to do the same. Timothy Lord caught up with Berger in Maine between evenings watching this year's Perseid showers to get some insight about what would-be skywatchers should consider when looking at scopes.
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When it comes to (download) bandwidth needs, I require...- Less than 1Mbps
- 1Mbps to 5Mbps
- 5Mbps to 10Mbps
- 10Mbps to 25Mbps
- 25Mbps to 50Mbps
- 50Mbps to 100Mbps
- Over 100Mbps
- Anything over 300 baud is a luxury
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