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XKCD's Time Ends
Google's Great Net Neutrality Hypocrisy?
4,000+ Players Duke It Out in Epic Online Space Battle
'Slingatron' Aims to Hurl Stuff into Orbit
Internet Rideshare Drivers Busted by SFO Officials
Hot Comment: "Because they will kill AND torture Snowden..."
From the Vault: Apple Sued for Turning Workers Into Slaves
Watch It: Working to Open Source Laws
Poll Booth: Time until Facebook is replaced?

XKCD's Time Ends
After more than 3,000 images, xkcd's long-running, auto-updating comic "Time" has come to its conclusion. Randall Munroe's series spawned multiple methods of viewing and thousands of forum posts.
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Google's Net Neutrality Hypocrisy?
Google has made countless statements supporting network neutrality, the idea that all packets of information on the Internet should be treated equally. But now that the company is an ISP, it's changing its tune, telling the FCC that citizens don't have the right to run servers on their home broadband connections.
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4,000+ Players Duke It Out in Epic Online Space Battle
For five hours, more than 4,000 EVE Online players participated in a massive online battle between two alliances, which forced parent company CCP Games to slow game time down to a sluggish 10 percent of real time to prevent servers from imploding.
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'Slingatron' Aims to Hurl Stuff into Orbit
Rockets are incredibly expensive with the cheapest launch costs hovering around $2,000 per pound. But there is a cheaper and cleaner approach--hurling payloads into orbit with a "mechanical hypervelocity mass accelerator" called the Slingatron.
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Internet Rideshare Drivers Busted by SFO Officials
San Francisco International Airport officials have been making citizen's arrests of drivers from mobile-app enabled rideshare companies that pick up and drop off passengers. An airport spokesman said that the companies, which are not regulated, are trespassing.
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Because they will kill AND torture Snowden
"Get it? They said OR, so that's not a lie." --by Anonymous Coward
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Apple Sued for Turning Workers Into Slaves
Five years ago, Apple employees filed lawsuit in California alleging that Apple denied technical staffers required overtime pay and meal compensation, which is in violation of state law. The employees also claimed many of them were subjected to working conditions resembling indentured servitude.
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Working to Open Source Laws
SlashTV: The field of law has a data problem, which could benefit by adopting some the best practices and tools of programmers, says Jim Hazard, an attorney who leans geek. Hazard, who has been working to bring the benefits of open source to both lawyers and their clients, explains.
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Time until Facebook is replaced?- Within the next year
- Two or three years
- Three or four years
- Five or six years
- Seven or eight years
- Over nine years
- Too long, apparently
- Who uses Facebook?
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