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Groklaw Shuts Down Over NSA Spying
The Last Days of Unix
The Obesity Era: What's the Real Cause?
Google Outage Causes 40% Plunge in Internet Traffic
UK Government Destroys Guardian's Snowden Drives
Hot Comment: "I think Google made the iphone youtube app themselves, which they won't..."
From the Vault: Attractive Women Make Men Temporarily Stupid
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Groklaw Shuts Down Over NSA Spying
Groklaw, a Website that has spent the past decade covering legal issues important to the open-source community, has decided to shut down because its founder says she simply can't continue in an environment of constant online surveillance.
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The Last Days of Unix
Unix, the core server operating system in enterprise networks for decades, is going the way of the dodo, according to IDC's Jean Bozman. She attributes Unix's slow, inexorable decline on several factors, including platform migration issues and competition from Linux and Microsoft.
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The Obesity Era: What's the Real Cause?
The belief that obesity is simply the result of a lack of willpower and an inability to discipline eating habits is no longer defensible. So, what is causing the rise in obesity, which is a transnational and, apparently, trans-species problem? Everything.
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Google Outage Causes 40% Plunge in Internet Traffic
Google services suffered a complete black-out last week and, according to web analytics experts, that caused worldwide Internet traffic to plunge around 40%. The reason for the outage is not yet known, but the huge impact reflects Google's massive grip on the Web.
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UK Government Destroys Guardian's Snowden Drives
The UK government has been pressuring the Guardian over its publication of the Snowden leaks for a while, and it ultimately ended with Government Communications Headquarters (GHCQ) officials overseeing the destruction of hard drives in the newspaper's basement.
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Re: Only relevant line
"I think Google made the iphone youtube app themselves, which they wont do for Microsoft because they are too busy and there aren't enough users (which is in part due to lack of main stream apps). But the rest sounds plausible. Microsoft might deserve it, but it seems cruel to me for Google to punish those poor 11 windows phone users." --by Dr Max
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Attractive Women Make Men Temporarily Stupid
Four years ago, The Telegraph reported on a study that found that men who spend even a few minutes in the company of an attractive woman perform less well in tests designed to measure brain function than those who chat to someone they do not find attractive.
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Cryonics Offers a Chance at Immortality
SlashTV: Do you want to be frozen after you die, in hopes of being revived a century or two (or maybe ten) in the future? It can cost less than an electric car. That's what the Cryonics Institute (CI) offers. David Ettinger, the son of CI founder Robert Ettinger and CI's lawyer, discusses the process.
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