Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Health & Wellness By Blythe Copeland, TreeHugger While blood pressure raises and lowers naturally, sustained elevation — otherwise known as high blood pressure, o... |  | from Spirituality Sixteen years ago I co-founded a company called Mishka Productions with my mother, Ariel Wolfe. Since then I have taken on the role as CEO and spearhe... |  | from Spirituality Too often mass media focuses on imagery or messages related to sexuality as a ploy for getting attention to draw more viewers to a TV program, sell mu... |  | from Health & Wellness If you're dealing with stress and interested in natural healing, you may have heard of the term "adaptogen." If not, such as the name implies, ... |  | from Health & Wellness If you are a vegan, what is the first argument you hear from meat-eating advocates? Well the sarcastic ones might say something about plants having fe... |  | from Family Life When I was in grade school, one of my classmates was greatly overweight. Michael was an easy target for teasing and bullying. He couldn’t run ve... |  | from Food & Recipes If you're into organic, local foods, then you probably know that the new "it" town is Hardwick, VT. It's where all the cool kids hang. Why? Because Ha... |  | from Family Life My children have always been my most effective teachers. They show me the places where I miss the point. They demonstrate as gently as they can, what ... |  | from Spirituality The awareness that has shifted my life the most is my ability to feel present in what I am doing in each moment. I have had a lot of experience, like ... |  | from On The Go By Planet Green The Beauty of the Natural World To have a picturesque vacation you don’t have to travel overseas or spend your savings on an ext... |  | from Pets & Animals Male houbara bustards use a great deal of energy displaying themselves to potential mates. Researchers found the most ostentatious males actually age ... |  | from Food & Recipes As the abundance of mid-summer fruit mounts up, why not take advantage of the bounty by creating a nutritious fruitful arrangement? Food is often the ... |  | from Pets & Animals Pet health shouldn’t be measured by nose temperature, and despite the recent pet-food recall, avoid feeding your pets table scraps. ... |  | from Pets & Animals By Morieka Johnson, Mother Nature Network Q: It's hot and I would like to make some cool treats for my pooch. Any ideas for some creative and safe opt... |  | from Pets & Animals Rosie, the adorable puppy in this video, just isn’t having enough fun with her dog companion. The other dog isn’t as amused with her excit... | | august 8, 2011 |
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