Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Fashion Fashion is as profound and critical a part of the social life of man as sex, and is made up of the same ambivalent mixture of irresistible urge... |  | from Health & Wellness According to the EPA, scientific evidence indicates that indoor air can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air in even the largest and most i... |  | from Health & Wellness By Ronnie Citron-Fink, Moms Clean Air Force Scientists are not political big shots or the rock stars of the environmental movement. They... |  | from Health & Wellness Dishonorably Discharged Diva I’m certain that’s what the reporters would have called me, and it would have been really, really ugly. What ... |  | from Family Life Have you ever thought about asking your teen for advice? “What?” you might reply. “Why would I do that? What could she possibly know... |  | from On The Go Moving Planet rally to change perception and policy about climate change. ... |  | from Healthy Home By Steve Graham, Networx It's harvest season, and that doesn't just mean growing dinner in the yard. Plenty of garden-fresh herbs and vegetables can s... |  | from Garden & Nature If Harvey Ussery were stranded on a desert island and could bring only one thing, he would bring a flock of chickens. “They would feed themselve... |  | from Garden & Nature Pollinators like bees are critical to our world’s food supply, and their numbers are dwindling. What can we do to help save the bees? ... |  | from Conscious Consumer This Friday, an amazing dolphin rescue story will be coming to theatres. Read about the film below, and leave a comment on this post for the chance to... |  | from Spirituality Written by Silvi Burden When I first came to Shangri La, to stay for a week with the people of Gentle World, I had no idea what to expect. I was reall... |  | from Family Life By Marlo Sollitto, contributing editor For family caregivers, the mountains of laundry, the endless messes that need cleaned up, the rus... |  | from Health & Wellness Miracles might seem like the kind of thing relegated to Biblical times – burning bushes, parted seas, men rising from the dead. But the truth is... |  | from Spirituality Repetition of a specific Sanskrit word, or mantra, results in sound vibrations that gradually lead the mind out of its normal thinking process and int... |  | from Health & Wellness By Brie Cadman, DivineCaroline In today's non-stop media environment, there's certainly no dearth of tips, advice, and gimmicks for weight loss. Adver... |  | from Pets & Animals By PetMD These days we often hear reports about dog foods that can harm our pets. In 2007, over one hundred dog food brands — including some wel... |  | from Garden & Nature Many new species of frogs were discovered in India’s Western Ghats Western Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Goa and Maharashtra. All the new species are n... |  | from Pets & Animals This funny cat is so intrigued by a toy it can’t even be bothered to climb out of its cube! Related: Cat Literally Jumps Through Hoops fo... |  | from Pets & Animals Grizzly bears are protected in the lower 48 states, meaning they can’t be hunted. Yet several hunters from Nevada were hunting black bears near ... |  | from Health & Wellness By Kati Mora, RD for If you are one of the many parents now second guessing your decision to pack a juice box in your child’s ... |  | from Health & Wellness Each year Americans catch more than one billion colds, making the cold virus the most common infectious disease in the United States. It accounts for ... | Next week, I'm honored to be joining Jane Goodall and other guests on stage at Jane Goodall Live to present Jane Goodall with the Care2 Impact Award. I'll also deliver 30,000 signatures from wonderful Care2 members who have... | september 21, 2011 |
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