Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Healthy Home Sometimes I feel a sense of hopelessness, because it seems that there's nothing but bad news about the world's economy. I wonder if things will ever t... |  | from Health & Wellness By Janis Graham, Family Circle No matter what you may do to prepare yourself, being told that a lump is indeed breast cancer is always a shock. And be... |  | from Health & Wellness When your lungs aren’t functioning at full capacity, symptoms begin to appear that are sometimes so subtle that you may not recognize them as su... |  | from Spirituality I am confused. A lot of my peers say that you should stay single in your twenties but yet they are all preoccupied with finding "the one.”... |  | from Health & Wellness Handstands for peace? Seane Corn and fellow yogis step off their yoga mats to promote love, peace, justice and unity during Occupy Wall Street protest... |  | from Spirituality This morning I sat down to write something about clutter, which I’ve been doing a great deal lately because it seems a lot of people are feeling... |  | from Health & Wellness Vaginal dryness is one of the most common and painful side effects of cancer treatment for women who have their ovaries removed or who are receiving c... |  | from Health & Wellness When you think of a sonogram, you probably think of some grainy, grey-and-white image of your baby's hand waving at you, labeled with the caption "Hi ... |  | from Health & Wellness It’s great I love zucchini since at one time I could only eat 12 foods and zucchini was one of them. #Powerfoods ... |  | from Family Life This week is National School Lunch Week, a time to celebrate school lunch programs, raise awareness, and take action to create a healthier food cultur... |  | from Conscious Consumer 1 minute and 1 second is all it takes to watch's video on famine in the Horn of Africa. Take the time. Famine is man made. It should not be th... |  | from Conscious Consumer There are only fourteen wolves left in Oregon, yet the state’s department of Fish and Wildlife has ordered the deaths of two males. The Center f... |  | from Family Life Being a working mother is like real estate: it’s all about location, location, location. ForbesWoman crunched the numbers and came up with its t... |  | from On The Go I drove into New York City on Sunday with two women well experienced in the art of protesting, occupying, demonstrating and being arrested. ... |  | from On The Go Hawaii: for years I skipped going, preferring adventurous Mexico, Argentina, and Thailand to avoid built up hotels, tourist traps, Starbucks and Costc... |  | from Family Life I put myself through college by being a part-time preschool teacher, shepherding a dozen, or more, 3 and 4-year-olds through early education. This mea... |  | from Pets & Animals Hidden cameras in southwestern Australia captured the first steps in the wild of a rare baby northern hairy-nosed wombat after it emerged from its mot... |  | from Garden & Nature It’s hard to say exactly why this buck took down a mountain biker, but it clearly did, and with force. Perhaps it acted aggressively because is ... |  | from Spirituality Do you celebrate Joy Day? What? You’ve never heard of it? When is it? As soon as news of it reaches you, it’s Joy Day! Actually you can ma... |  | from Spirituality Finding the life answer to how you redeem your soul is a challenge. A redeemed soul sees itself as new and unblemished. To reach this state of innocen... |  | from Pets & Animals Fostering a homeless mama cat and her kittens has become an annual spring ritual for our family. Really, it is a life-enriching situation for everyone... |  | from Pets & Animals Once this fluffy white cat sees its shadow appear on the wall, he gets pretty scared. Watch the cat’s funny jump in action! Related: 3 Ca... | As Care2 members, you know we have a lot of really great areas of our website. It's something we pride ourselves in, but it actually creates a challenge for us. How do we make it easy for our members to quickly get to the... | october 13, 2011 |
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