Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Health & Wellness The Chinese call the dish Congee, another name is Jook, a soupy porridge made with rice, water, vegetables and other ingredients to boost longevity, s... |  | from Holidays Give Children Real Treats Instead of Diabetes and Obesity! ... |  | from Spirituality I am still thinking about the premature death of Steve Jobs. Last night I watched the commencement address he gave to Stanford graduates in 2005. He s... |  | from Spirituality Many years ago in meditation, I received the following message. This message has been a guiding light in my life ever since. Dedicating my life to ser... |  | from Spirituality Tuesday, my son choked on a piece of candy. My mom literally saved his life by flawlessly performing the Heimlich Maneuver. It was a technique sheR... |  | from Spirituality By Bernie Siegel MD When I was four years old I was home in bed with one of my frequent ear infections. I took a toy telephone I was playing with and ... |  | from On The Go Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that compound interest is the foundation of investing. But what does compounding have to do wit... |  | from Spirituality One way to develop a physiology that embodies the qualities of the unified field is to have direct experience of it. Meditation allows the mind to exp... |  | from On The Go The vampires must be turning in their graves as the growing popularity of zombies mindlessly nudge the fanged fiends off of the Top Monster perch. The... |  | from Health & Wellness Bladder problems can strike adults of all ages, and they can signal a larger health problem. Learn ten possible reasons for urinary tract symptoms. ... |  | from Family Life Any local paper will have it, most likely buried beyond page six, but it will most certainly be there. What I am talking about is some horrific accoun... |  | from Family Life It seems to happen earlier and earlier every year—I walk into a store and encounter the Christmas tree section. This year I came across a holiday disp... |  | from Pets & Animals NEWS FLASH: It is the year 2011, thousands of years after the Ice Age, yet you can have a close-encounter with a living, breathing, snarling saber-too... |  | from Pets & Animals PETA sometimes does things that some people find offensive to draw attention to their animal-related causes, but this new program could be quite effec... |  | from Pets & Animals Seventy-seven wolves have been taken down in Idaho and Montana so far this hunting season, an event put back into action due to their federal delistin... |  | from Green 101 Green Festival is headed to Los Angeles, October 29-30! Leave a comment on this post for a chance to win 2 all-access badges and a prize pack full of ... |  | from Conscious Consumer “Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends... |  | from Pets & Animals Five energetic baby cheetahs were born at the Whipsnade Zoo in the UK recently. The adorable cubs are enjoying playing with their mom and each ... | | october 20, 2011 |
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