Halloween eCards  | Help keep Care2 eCards FREE by supporting great causes! | Get Coal Ash Out of Our Drinking Water! | Coal ash -- America's largest industrial waste stream -- is completely unregulated by the EPA, despite the cocktail of dangerous heavy metals in it. These toxins can pollute drinking water sources and cause cancer, damage internal organs, and lead to developmental problems in children. Tell Obama to regulate coal ash. |  | |
| Hi Annisa, Happy Halloween! Send your Halloween eCards from Care2!
DID YOU KNOW? It's difficult to trace the roots of our Halloween traditions, but one belief is that Halloween dates back to around 700 B.C. The Celts, a rural society in northern England, Scotland and Ireland, celebrated a festival called Samhain on the first day of their new year, November 1. Samhain celebrated the end of the harvest and the end of the lighter half of the year and had some elements of a Festival of the Dead. The date of Samhains association with the Catholic All Saints Day has influenced the customs and traditions of our current day Halloween celebrations. More » | |
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