Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Health It’s that time of year again when people try to make up for their dietary misgivings during the holidays. More and more people are turning to ... |  | from Health The dawn of a New Year is the time that many of us choose to take good resolutions. Starting with our health. Now, how about if, on top (or instead) o... |  | from Food By Sarene Marshall, The Nature Conservancy A friend once observed about me that I “like holidays just a little bit more than the average person.... |  | from Food No space for a veggie garden? Winter months setting in? Think your green thumb has gone gray? Sprouting seeds may be just the antioxidant-rich, fresh ... |  | from Food This salad is my new love. We met through our mutual friend, Polly, who brought it to a holiday party I attended recently. I admit that it was not lov... |  | from Spirit By Marlo Sollitto, contributing editor We hope these inspirational quotes will help you find comfort and peace. Use these quotes as tool... |  | from Family By Carmen Staicer for Once you have a baby, your life changes. Not only in the small ways – you have less time for yourself, y... |  | from Pets Get organized. Check. Get a better job. Check. Lose weight. Check that one twice. This New Year isn't unlike any other — you’ve probably m... |  | from Pets Granted, these turtles are probably not high-fiving in the human sense of the term, but it sure does look like it! Related: Turtles Wants to Pl... |  | from Pets Like so many others, I adore my pets as part of the family. Right now, I have one 4-year-old cat named Barley, but last year my fiancé and I had to sa... |  | from Spirit By Dan Gould, Networx Clutter is like an invisible cloud that permeates and suffocates physical spaces while subtly sapping the energy out of life. Wh... |  | from Health My inbox has been jammed and my phone has been ringing off the hook since my green juice cleanse teacher Tricia Barrett and I officially launched the ... |  | from Home Our homes are powerful energy attractors. Feng Shui teaches that by balancing and enhancing the energy in our living space, our lives will come into a... |  | from Spirit Jesus devoted many teachings to the subject of the self, meaning the bundle of aspects we call "me." In this bundle are wrapped the ego, the personali... |  | from Health According to an American Cancer Society report cancer rates for men declined 1.8 percent and for women by 1.6 percent between 2004 and 2008. Also canc... |  | from Home As we wade into a sparkling new year, here's what we know to be true: every item we use has an impact on our planet. Knowing this implores those who d... |  | from Health It’s the depths of winter, and if your office is anything like mine, that means a cacophony of coughs and sniffles and many empty desks as entir... | | january 6, 2012 |
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