Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Conscious Consumer The Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival in Titusville, Florida drew approximately 4,500 visitors last year. It is being held this year Jan. 25-3... |  | from Pets We couldn’t resist sharing this hilariously accurate “cat’s map of the bed” by artist Hilary B. Price. Does your cat use the b... |  | from Pets Drake the golden retriever has a clever trick up his sleeves. Watch as he breaks his own record for sock-catching! Related: Cute Begging Dog (V... |  | from Nature The video below shows a trailer for a documentary produced by Lucy Cooke called “Too Cute! Baby Sloths.” The documentary features the worl... |  | from Conscious Consumer Viruses were found in bushmeat and other imported wildlife by American researchers, in animal samples confiscated mostly from screenings at JFK Intern... |  | from Beauty There’s nothing pretty about toxic beauty products. This funny video turns the quest of finding beauty products into a game show that you... |  | from Family People stray from the dictionary definition of words all the time. Myself included! Misusing words doesn’t say much about our intelligenc... |  | from Spirit Listen to and act on your truth. Based on the 25 years I’ve been facilitating people, I can say that one of the most common “diseases̶... |  | from Health Many people anticipate 2012 to be a momentous year – an opportunity for individuals collectively to co-create a new, better world, while others percei... |  | from Spirit by Michelle Gregg, Counseling Astrologer at I went outside about midnight on the cusp between Jan. 8 and Jan. 9th to see how thi... |  | from Health There are many great anti-cancer foods and lifestyle changes that can reduce your risk of getting breast cancer, but here are some simple ones you can... |  | from Food When time is running short and your hunger is impatient, foods that are processed and ready-to-eat can be quite the temptation. Here are ten alternati... |  | from Nature In case you needed another reason to avoid conventional fertilizers, you can add that they may contain toxic waste to the list. ... |  | from Health By Celeste Yarnall, PhD Over 1/2 million people in America have their gallbladders removed every year. The surgical removal of the gallbladder is call... |  | from Health You’d think it never happens; victims typically don’t discuss it and perpetrators uniformly deny it. But it happens a lot (see below). In ... |  | from Health Photo Courtesy Of: Thinkstock/ During the Paleolithic period, many thousands of years ago, people ate primarily vegetables, fruit, nuts,... | | january 16, 2012 |
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