Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Family By Mallika Chopra I was on a panel last year with four amazing women — women who were entrepreneurs, leaders, change makers for good in their co... |  | from Health The commonsense notion “You’re only as old as you think you are” has deep implications. ... |  | from Life When Dogs Just Aren’t Allowed Cats acting like dogs? It happens, and it most certainly does not mean the end is near. Oh, and by acting like dog... |  | from Home Lint rollers get the job done. Dingy clothes? Not dingy anymore! Couch covered in dog hair? Good as new! But it’s time to move beyond the... |  | from Pets For pets that are sensitive to heat, the steamy summer months are not only uncomfortable, they are also the time when the risk of fatal heatstroke is ... |  | from Pets So much purring! These adorable kittens were taken in by the Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue, a Canadian no-kill organization. Related: Training... |  | from Pets Henri, the hilariously existential French cat, is back – this time for a trip to the vet. What do you think your cat is thinking during a vet vi... |  | from Pets Pancake’s human companion claims that the adorable rescue kitten is the cutest of her kind in the world. I can’t say I disagree! Re... |  | from Pets A two-year-old dachshund named Madeline discovered a new playmate on the beach in South Carolina. The rescue dog playfully chased a crab until it got ... |  | from Health A fitness center for the brain opens in the Finnish capital, offering smells, sounds and light effects for enhanced and instant recreation of overload... |  | from Health By Catherine Guthrie, Experience Life Flour is hard to sidestep come mealtime. Breakfast brims with toast, bagels, cereal, pancakes. Lunch is built ar... |  | from Nature By Mat McDermott, TreeHugger I have to say that I didn’t expect the vote to go otherwise, but I’m surprised it was so lopsided: The Farm B... |  | from Spirit The experience of the gift of life, of the grace of life, is a mysterious blessing we celebrate and bow to. Grace is the answer to our prayers, and ye... |  | from Health How many times has this happened to you? You're in a natural food store walking near the supplement section and an employee graciously asks if you nee... |  | from Food Pumpkin seeds are the only seed that is alkaline-forming; in this world of highly acidic diets, that is a very good thing. Pumpkin seeds taste so good... |  | from Home Stemming from last week’s dip-dyed canvas tablecloth inspiration, here is an easy and natural way to dye an extra piece of fabric. Remodelista e... |  | from Home Here in the South, the weather has definitely taken a turn toward the sweltering. There have been some unseasonably warm days already, with highs in t... |  | from Life With the 4th of July holiday just about a week away, the Consumer Product Safety Commission held its annual demonstration Tuesday showing what could h... |  | from Spirit Know that our destiny is already predetermined. Call it your inherent blue print or your life’s map, this was decided long before we ever journe... |  | from Spirit It’s all too tempting to think that we are in control of our own destiny. And while our lives are partially the result of choices we’ve ma... |  | from Spirit I recently watched the movie School of Rock. I know what you’re thinking – it took me long enough. For those of you who, like me, have fal... | | june 28, 2012 |
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