Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Spirit Earlier today, I read this article about the definition of wellness – or the lack thereof. The article discusses the fact that, although “... |  | from Spirit I've just returned from a two-week tour of Australia and New Zealand. It was a powerful and magical journey, a tapestry of experiences that left an in... |  | from Love Those we love and those we are repelled by are both mirrors of ourselves. Who are we attracted to? People who have the same traits as we have, but mor... |  | from Life By Animal Planet Mom is often the first to get props when it comes to raising the kids, but let’s not forget to give Dad credit where credit is ... |  | from Green By Derek Markham, TreeHugger Our human tendency toward innovation and ingenuity, coupled with our advancing technology, is helping to come up with sol... |  | from Nature By Ali Berman, Ecorazzi The innovative ways people come up with to exploit animals in the effort to make some cash never ceases to amaze us. This time... |  | from Health By Lori Popkewitz Alper We are Moms Clean Air Force. We are coalition of Moms and Dads filled with passion and dedication in the fight for cleaner air... |  | from Food On her last day in India, Gardenista contributor Maria had her first taste of rose petal honey. Back home, she couldn’t forget the taste—sensual... |  | from Nature This baby otter was rescued off the California coast. The Monterey Bay Aquarium staff are raising her to be a wild otter, and they hope to release her... |  | from Beauty By Noah Garfinkel, Networx When you hear the words "compost toilet," there's a good chance you immediately begin imagining some sort of terrifying box... |  | from Food By Dana Shultz for Diets In Review If your dad isn’t the staying-in type, take him out for a healthy Father’s Day feast this weekend. Ther... |  | from Family Ned Plimpton: Why didn’t you ever try to contact me? Steve Zissou: Because I hate fathers, and I never wanted to be one. From 2004's The Life Aq... |  | from Love We are giving away a copy of 7 Keys to Lifelong Sexual Vitality, by Dr. Brian R. Clement & Dr. Anna Maria Clement. Check out these eight tips on h... |  | from Health I recently read this blog about the healing potential of building design. In particular, I feel this is important to building design in planning the c... |  | from Health If you have only 5 extra minutes in your day, try these simple tips to look and feel better. I’ve tried them all, they really work! Enjoy a cup ... | | june 17, 2012 |
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