| from Women's Rights Congress Just Doesn't Get It |
| from Animal Welfare “Dumb Dog” Nurses Abandoned Pups |
| from Education The Digital Divide Still Exists |
| from Animal Welfare Abuse Caught On Video At Livestock Auction (Video) |
| from Politics Occupiers Convince City Of Buffalo To Ditch JPMorgan Chase |
| from Politics Death for Gays? Not Really a Fringe Evangelical Thought |
| from Politics DOJ Tells Florida To Cease Voter Purge |
| from Women's Rights House Blocks Move To Vote On Paycheck Fairness Act |
| from Politics Florida Vote Suppression Law Blocked |
| from Real Food Organic Farming Helps Returning Soldiers Find Peace |
| from Trailblazers For Good Boy with Cerebral Palsy Runs Inspiring Race (Video) |
| from Politics Bill Clinton Joins Wisconsin Recall Push |
| from Politics BIG News on ALEC |
| from Women's Rights House GOP Can’t Pass PRENDA, Grandstands Anyways |
| from Politics Hollande Institutes Daring Salary Changes |
| from LGBT rights Dr Robert Spitzer Denounces Ex-Gay Therapy in New Interview |
| from Politics Are Shale Gas Lobbyists Winning? |
| from LGBT rights ‘No Homos in Heaven’ Church Reacts: It’s Just What the Bible Says |
| from Real Food FDA Denies Request to Rename High Fructose Corn Syrup |
| from Environment & Wildlife Sea Lions Vs. Salmon: A Wildlife Protection Dilemma |
| from Human Rights Another Russian Journalist Attacked Outside of His Apartment |
| from Health Policy Bushmeat Could Cause Next Pandemic (Video) |
| from Real Food Will New York's Proposed Sugary Drink Ban Fizzle? |
| from Politics Romney’s Outreach to Blacks, Good Photo-Ops But not Much Else |
| from LGBT rights OMM Reacts to JC Penney’s ‘Sinful’ Gay Dads Promo |
| from Politics John Edwards Trial: Jury Reaches Verdict on 1 of 6 Counts |
| from LGBT rights ExxonMobil Rejects LGBT Protections |
| from Politics New Polls Give Different Reads on Wisconsin Race |
| from Politics Harper Government Fights Dirty Against Election Lawsuits |
| from Global Warming How Painting Roofs White Can Help ‘Turn Off The World For A Year’ |
| from Real Food Why Chefs Have Social Responsibility, Whether They Like It Or Not |
| from Politics Poll: Obama, Romney Close in Battleground States |
| from Politics Louisiana Approves Taxpayer Funding For School Operating "On Faith" |
| from Animal Welfare Killing Cats is the Wrong Prescription for Preventing Typhus |
| from Politics Romney Touts Constitutional Amendment Disqualifying Eisenhower, Roosevelt and McCain From Being President |
| from LGBT rights Gay Dads in JC Penney’s June Catalog |
| from Human Rights iPads Won't Be "Made In America" Any Time Soon |
| from Global Warming California’s Smog Problem Putting Giant Sequoia Redwoods At Risk |
| from Politics BREAKING: 1st Circuit Declares DOMA Unconstitutional |
| from Politics Obama Wary of Using Force in Syria |
| from Politics Some Florida Officials Challenge Voter Purge |
| from LGBT rights Ban on Ex-Gay Therapy for Minors Passes California Senate |
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