Ask Richard Stallman Anything
Will Intel Kill Enthusiast PCs?
Windows 8 PCs Still Throttled by Crapware
Is Ad Blocking the Next Legal Battleground?
How Do We Program Moral Machines?
Hot Comment: Quick, calculate me another way to profit
From the Vault: Why Does Everyone Hate Microsoft?
Watch It: DIY Plate Reverb
Poll Booth: I double check my spam filters ...

Ask Richard Stallman Anything
Richard Stallman (RMS) founded the GNU Project in 1984, the Free Software Foundation in 1985, and remains one of the most important and outspoken advocates for software freedom. He's agreed to answer your questions about GNU/Linux, free software, and anything else you like.
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Will Intel Kill Enthusiast PCs?
Intel's next generation of x86 CPUs, Broadwell, will not come in a package having pins, according to a report on SemiAccurate. Hence, manufacturers will have to solder it onto motherboards. That will likely seriously wound the enthusiast PC market.
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Windows 8 PCs Still Throttled by Crapware
Lurking below the surface of Windows 8's clean and spiffy new Metro UI is one of the operating system's oldest and most hated problems--crapware. After all this time and negative press, you'd think we'd see the end of it with the new Windows 8 PCs. Wrong.
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Is Ad Blocking the Next Legal Battleground?
While there is little cause for concern right now, what would happen if big advertisers declare AdBlock Plus a clear and present danger to online business models? Hint: it will probably involve lawyers.
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How Do We Program Moral Machines?
If your driverless car is about to crash into a school bus, should it veer off a bridge? The computer will have to make the call. NYU Prof. Gary Marcus writes about the need to program ethics and morality into our future machines.
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Quick, calculate me another way to profit.
"My parents won't let me mooch off their electricity forever." --by Anonymous Coward
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Why Does Everyone Hate Microsoft?
Six years ago, MrSplog did a project on Microsoft's impact on society that included a look at people's perceptions of the company. So, naturally, MrSplog turned to fellow Slashdotters to ask for reasons you hate Microsoft as well as counter-arguments. And, as usual, you didn't disappoint.
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DIY Plate Reverb
Many audio purists prefer the analog sound of vinyl records to the digital sound of MP3s or CDs insist on real analog reverb. And among the many types of analog reverbs, Jim Cunnigham's Ecoplate is considered by many to be the best. Mike Storey wanted an Ecoplate so badly that he spent eight months building one. Find out how he did it.
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I double check my spam filters ...- Never! I figure they work well enough.
- Rarely, by happenstance - once in a blue moon.
- Regularly but not frequently (6 months, say)
- Somewhat regularly (every several weeks)
- Once a week Once a day or more often.
- I don't use any spam filters.
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