Happy Thanksgiving! Send your Thanksgiving eCards today! | Help keep Care2 eCards FREE by supporting great causes! | Tell Republican and Democratic Reps to Prioritize the Planet | With a republican House of Representatives and democratic Senate, there's no doubt Congress will face many battles - but environmental issues shouldn't be up for debate! Tell your representatives in both houses of Congress that Americans from all political identities want them to support environmental protection. |  | |
| Hi Annisa, Happy Thanksgiving! Send your Thanksgiving eCards from Care2! DID YOU KNOW? Don't cry fowl, but the first Thanksgiving was not celebrated by the Pilgrims. In fact, Thanksgiving Day has been celebrated in one way or another throughout history by cultures around the world. Today, Americans of all religions and ethnicities take the fourth Thursday of November to appreciate all that we have to be thankful for. Animist tribes believed that plants and animals had spirits which were angered by the harvest. To appease these spirits, tribes would make offerings which often included elaborate festivals. These ceremonies provided the foundation for today's Thanksgiving Day holiday. | |
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