Linus Torvalds Answers Your Questions
Smokers Need Not Apply
Evolution Is a Lie From Hell: U.S. House Science Committee Member
How We'll Get to 54.5 MPG by 2025
Supreme Court to Decide Whether You Own What You Own
Hot Comment: People hate hearing this
From the Vault: Violating a Patent as Moral Choice
Watch It: Whirlydoodle: Fun Wind-Powered Spinny Thing
Poll Booth: Hallowe'en is coming. Trick-or-Treaters who visit ...

Linus Torvalds Answers Your Questions
You had questions for Linus Torvalds and he had answers. At least for to the dozen we sent him. Find out what he has to say about computers, programming, books, copyrights and what he would have done differently with Linux if he had to do it all over again.
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Smokers Need Not Apply
Delray Beach, Florida has become the latest local government with a policy that prohibits agencies from hiring employees who use tobacco products. Throughout the U.S., both government and businesses are moving to ban tobacco-use beyond working hours.
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Evolution Is a Lie From Hell: U.S. House Science Committee Member
Rep. Paul Broun (R., Ga.), who sits on the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, was caught on tape saying evolution, embryology, and the big-bang theory are "lies straight from the pit of hell" meant to convince people that they do not need a savior.
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How We'll Get to 54.5 MPG by 2025
The Obama administration wants to double the average fuel efficiency of cars and light trucks by the next decade-- 54.5 miles per gallon (mpg) by 2025. It will be tough, but doable considering the range of recent engine technologies. Take a look at what's coming.
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Supreme Court to Decide Whether You Own What You Own
The Supreme Court is set to decide whether the first-sale doctrine in copyright law applies to products made with parts sourced from outside the U.S. Depending on how it goes, your old used CDs, cell phone and books may not be yours to sell without permission.
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People hate hearing this
"But there are really two kind of people. Those who aim a laser at an aircraft, and those who don't... " --by SmallFurryCreature
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Violating a Patent as Moral Choice
Seven years ago, the Taiwanese government announced that it would violate patent laws to manufacture a drug that can help fight bird flu virus. Officials said they had applied for the right to copy the drug, but the priority was to protect the public.
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Whirlydoodle: Fun Wind-Powered Spinny Thing
The Whirlydoodle is a wind-powered generator that produces twirling colors in response to the wind. Meet the mind behind the Whirlydoodle and see the colorful "micro-electric wind turbine" in action.
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Hallowe'en is coming. Trick-or-Treaters who visit ...- Will get some conventional candy treat.
- Will get an above average candy treat
- Will get fruit, religious pamphlets or other non-candy
- Get to see my awesome haunted house (but fun)
- Will get scared out of their wits, at least that's the goal
- Will probably egg or otherwise vandalize my house.
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