India's sacred Ganges River is home to one of the most endangered dolphins on the planet. Yet the country continues to dump 9,000 tons of toxic pesticides near the river each year.
Dear Annisa,
There are only 1,800 Ganges river dolphins left on the entire planet. These intelligent, incredibly rare animals play a vital role in the sacred river's ecosystem; yet India has failed to protect them from the dangers wiping them out.
Ask India to take real action to save the remaining Ganges river dolphins.
The combination of damming projects along the Ganges with constant pesticide and fertiliser run-off makes the river a harsh and difficult place to live for the dolphins, who have sensitive skin.
According to the World Wide Fund for Nature, 9,000 tons of toxic pesticides and 6 million tons of fertiliser are used near the Ganges every year. Can you imagine being surrounded by that much poison every day?
Some river dolphins are also killed deliberately for their meat and oil. Others die as accidental bycatch in fishing nets.
India must take immediate action to reduce pollution, address lethal fishing methods and stop further destructive development in order to conserve the Ganges river dolphin population. Urge them to save the dolphins before it's too late.
 | Thank you for taking action,
Kathleen J. Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team |
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