Steve Wozniak Answers Your Questions
Quit Pushing Helmets to Encourage Biking
What Distros Have You Used, In What Order?
'Innocence of Muslims' Filmmaker Arrested, Jailed
You Can't Print a Gun If You Have No 3D Printer
Hot Comment: Official Statement of the Open Source Community
From the Vault: U.S. Programmers An Endangered Species?
Watch It: A Honda Civic with No Gas Tank
Poll Booth: Are you better off than you were four years ago?

Steve Wozniak Answers Your Questions
He co-founded Apple Computer, he's a programmer and engineer who invented the Apple I and Apple II, he's one of our most influential readers, he is known simply as Woz. To kick-off our 15th anniversary month, Woz answered a few of your submitted questions.
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Quit Pushing Helmets to Encourage Biking
U.S. cities are aggressive in bicycle helmet promotion. However, many European health experts say that if you force or pressure people to wear helmets, you discourage them from riding at all. The result could be more obesity, heart disease and diabetes.
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What Distros Have You Used, In What Order?
Bryan Lunduke recently blogged about the top three approaches he thinks are the easiest for new users to pick up Linux. One of the orders went Ubuntu -> Arch -> openSUSE. What's your distro use order from beginning to now?
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'Innocence of Muslims' Filmmaker Arrested, Jailed
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the man behind the film "Innocence of Muslims," may face two years in prison for allegedly violating the terms of his probation through his actions surrounding the film's production.
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You Can't Print a Gun If You Have No 3D Printer
Defense Distributed, which is behind a project to create a 3D-printable handgun, has suffered a decidedly non-technical setback, with printer manufacturer Stratasys revoking the lease and repossessing the printer.
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Official Statement of the Open Source Community
"This is the Official Statement of the Open Source Community: The Open Source community is amorphous, and follows no leader. Thus, nobody is capable of making an Official Statement for the Open Source Community. This has been an Official Statement of the Open Source Community." --by Bruce Perens
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U.S. Programmers An Endangered Species?
Eight years ago, USA Today ran an article that called U.S. programmers an "endangered species" expected to be "extinct" within the next few years and replaced by offshoring and H-1B visa holders.
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A Honda Civic with No Gas Tank
It took Adam Blankespoor two years and $14,000 to convert his 1996 Honda Civic into an all-electric plug-in vehicle. So far, he's put about 2,000 miles on it and it has not been in need of any maintenance or tuning. He gives a walk-through of the various parts of the system.
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Are you better off than you were four years ago?- Yes, dramatically better.
- Better off, Yes -- reasonably, but not dramatically.
- Better off, but barely.
- Hard to say; sort of a wash.
- Worse off, actually, by a smidge.
- Moderately worse off.
- I'm dramatically worse off now.
- I will tell you below why this question is absurd.
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