Customize your free newsletter ►  | from Life Did you participate in any illegal activities in 2011? Did you spruce up your house or take any tropical vacations? Well, you’re in luck ... |  | from Nature By Erica Glasener, Networx If your garden could tell you what it needs, these are 7 things it would request. 1. Realistic expectations: Designing your... |  | from Health Heart attacks don’t always strike out of the blue — there are many symptoms we can watch for in the days and weeks leading up to an attack... |  | from Health I am sure we all have our own little tricks for dealing with the common cold. Some of us straightaway pop decongestant and sinus-relief tablets, other... |  | from Health April is National Stress Awareness Month and most of us are experiencing increasing stress levels. We know we should reduce our level of stress, but i... |  | from Spirit by Diane Renz, LPC, ATH Asst. Editor of PsychoSpiritual on I am in awe of the power and process of the psyche. Our nightly dreams... |  | from Health We are giving away a copy of The Blood Sugar Solution: The UltraHealthy Program for Losing Weight, Preventing Disease, and Feeling Great Now! by Mark ... |  | from Health Recent research on fruits, vegetables and staple crops such as wheat and corn shows that, over time, our food has gotten less and less nutritious. The... |  | from Pets Very high resolution satellite images were used to conduct a survey of close to 600,000 emperor penguins in Antarctica, the only place they live. This... |  | from Uncategorized I found myself today driving up to Santa Rosa, north of San Francisco. The trip took me through Sonoma County, California’s beautiful wine coun... |  | from Family True story: Caucasian friend of mine, while watching his children play on the playground with a collection of children representing a plentitude of ra... |  | from Pets This duck acts like a dog in that he fetches his human friend’s sandal whenever it is thrown. Watch how his little legs waddle back and forth wh... |  | from Food Recently, on one of the first truly warm days of spring, my toddler suggested a picnic in the park. How could I resist? That Sunday evening, in lieu o... |  | from Spirit (excerpts taken from Power Animals: How to Connect with Your Animal Spirit Guides by Dr. Steven Farmer) Power animals are spirit guides in animal form... | | april 15, 2012 |
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